Sunday, September 30, 2007

18 Weeks.

So I'm 18 weeks today! +12 lbs. UGH. Overall enjoying this phase of pregnancy...

I *finally* got a day with my husband... we woke up this morning and decided to skip church. (I know... bad.) But we all got ready and went downtown for a LONG walk... we walked around the pineapple fountain area and down our favorite pier where Jay proposed... we walked across downtown Charleston to our favorite little BBQ place, Jim N Nicks... then we walked all the way back to where we parked - probably a couple of miles or so all together. It was so great just to spend some time with him. He works so much lately that Liz and I feel like we never see him, so it was a special morning. We just got home and put Liz to bed, (she's in there talking to herself right now, counting her blankies.... "One B... Two B... Twee B... " ) Too cute.

Anyway, I found my camera (under the sofa) and finally got around to another belly shot... so here you go! :)

That's all for now... I'm off to take a nap. :)

Saturday, September 29, 2007


As if yesterday wasn't bad enough... I was just in the kitchen making dinner and my daughter struck AGAIN. UGH this kid is too smart for her own good...

First... she opens the (hard to open) door to our room.
Second... she goes to my nightstand and opens the top drawer.
Third... she pulls out my curling iron, plugs it in and....

Yep. You guessed it.

She burned her hand. UGH UGH UGH. Not bad... just a red mark... but there I am pulling something out of the fridge, thinking she's still sitting on the couch watching a movie, when I hear her scream... *sigh* A little ice and the redness went down - fortunately she grabbed it before it was all the way heated up.

What am I going to do with this girl? I try to keep things out of her reach/sight/close the doors behind me... and now she can get into ALL OF IT.

*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* I guess now I need to put those kid proof door thingies on the rooms she's not supposed to be in now. Good Lord, raising kids can be tough. LOL

Mission: Bandaid.

UGH I just typed up a long post and added a link and it messed up the whole thing and deleted it.


Not much new to update on the baby - no new symptoms, other than I feel fat. No new cravings, unless you count anything that's not good for me.

But, there is some new news on the Liz front. Seems my little monkey reached new heights last night. While I was talking to Jay as he was getting ready in our room, Liz decided to play acrobat in the bathroom.

(*warning* If blood bothers you... don't read ahead.)

She climbed up on the toilet, reached the 5 foot shelf and grabbed daddy's razor. Proceeded to get down, take a chunk out of her middle finger with it, and then smear blood all over the bathtub. Who needs bath crayons when you have your own blood? So daddy walks in, and there she is, nice dress covered in blood, bathtub covered in blood - no tears. Not so much as a peep out of her. (Typical behavior when she knows she's doing something she shouldn't... she'll stay quiet even if she's hurt.) Jay calls to me and says "Hey Jess, come here... but don't freak out, lizzy got a little cut but I don't think it's that bad since she's not crying." I'm glad he was there b/c I definately would have freaked out at the sight of my 2 year old with blood dripping down her arm, smeared all over the tub and her holding the razor as evidence to her crime. My heart pounding I realized, little cuts can bleed bad and if she's not crying, it really musn't be that bad... I turned on the water and rinsed her hands off and that's when we saw the gaping hole in my childs middle finger. Not even stitches would help this mess... there was nothing to stitch back... it was just... a hole! Seriously, all the padding from her middle finger was gone. And once the peroxide hit it, well then the tears started. We had the hardest time getting it to stop bleeding... she kept soaking through the towel we were using to apply pressure. (At this point she stopped crying through, juice and cartoons distracted her while we were busy working to stop the blood.) After 15 minutes I braved a bandaid, only to see blood dripping out of both sides of the bandaid and down her wrist 10 seconds later... so back to the pressure... another 15 minutes later it finally subsided enough that we were able to keep a bandaid on it without soaking through.

Aside from not using her hand much today (only b/c the bandaid is too busy being shown to everyone we meet... princess bandaid anyone?) she's fine. Changing the bandaid is only difficult due to the fact that it takes her 10 minutes to choose which princess she wants to wear next. She could careless about the cut... it's clean, but definately a hole. Who knows how long this will take to heal. Neosporin and bandaids will have to do the trick unless it get's infected... I'm not going to take her in and have a doctor poke and prod it if it's not necessary.

Anyway, she might have a small scar from this when it's all said and done. Crazy kiddo. Just when i think my house is completely kid proof she goes and get's ahold of something 5 feet in the air. *sigh* She is a handful these days...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

New Adventures

So I started helping a friend of mine this week, she runs an at home daycare and just found out she's pregnant, so she needs someone to come in once a week and watch the kids for her while she goes to the doctor... she's high risk due to previous pregnancy issues so she'll be going biweekly from the begining, and then on the off week she can go get groceries and what not. She's paying me $30 a week for 2 hours. Works for me. That'll cover my gas and lunch for kiddo and I for the week! :)

I went over to her house to meet the kids today, she watches a 2 year old little girl named Sasha, a 3 year old little boy named Caleb and a 8 week old baby boy named Chandlon. I'll have Liz with me so that makes 4 kids to keep up with for 2 hours... think I can handle it? LOL I'm glad to help and fortunately she schedules her appts early so the kids will be pretty mellow as she keeps the Disney Channel on in the mornings while everyone's waking up. Chandlon is absolutely adorable, he's short and tiny. 8 weeks old seems so tiny still, but I know Madeline will be even smaller than this when she arrives! WOW. Chandlon still has the baby curl... where every time you pick him up he arches his back and curls his legs up tight. Soooooo precious. I think that's one of my favorite baby things I'm looking forward to again.

The other kids are laid back and quiet. So I think it'll all work out fine. :)

Anyway, in other news, my car broke down on the way home... (yes, the one we just got fixed for another problem) UGH. It's an '01 but has a ton of miles on it... if it's not an easy fix we might just go get something small and new this weekend. We really don't want the extra bill right now, but this is getting ridiculous. I've got to have a reliable car to drive. UGH.

Fortunately it broke down right outside my mom's neighborhood so she was able to take me to Liz's school so we weren't late to pick her up. It all worked out, b/c I wanted my mom to meet Lizzy's teachers and the preschool director since she might be picking Liz up occassionally. We picked up some chicken nuggets on the way home... kiddo and I split them and now my stomach is upset. Gross. I hate eating junk like that... but I need groceries and now that my car is broke down, I knew it was drive through or empty belly's for lunch today.

So that's it for today, I think. LOL It's only 12:30 - I suppose the day could get more exciting, but I really hope it doesn't. ;)

Saturday, September 22, 2007


I woke up this morning and found myself wishing that the next few months would pass quickly so we could meet this little one. Some days I think I'm ready, and other's I know I'm not... but something about seeing her on that ultrasound has made me really want to meet her and see her tiny little face again. We're at a crossroads with so many things in life right now. We're trying something new with our business, which is scary but exciting. We're thinking of moving, which is terrifying and thrilling all in one. So many new things in the next couple of years... and yet I'm ready to settle into a groove and just enjoy our little family too. All things considered we're so young to have 2 kids. By the time I'm 26 I'll already have two babies and have been married for 5 years. That's so crazy to me. Definately not how I envisioned my life growing up, but now I couldn't imagine my life any different. So looking foward I know that everything I'm envisioning for the next 5 years will probably be completely different from what will actually happen. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. But it's life. So I'll take it.

I woke up with a smile on my face this morning... knowing that in just a few months I'll be getting very little sleep - but will still wake up smiling at my angel lying in her cradle next to me. Lizzy came in and climbed in bed with us this morning... I can just picture mornings like this with one baby girl cuddled next to me, looking over the cradle at our new baby girl saying "Hi baby!" It's so hard to imagine loving another baby as much as I do Lizzy... but over the last few days my heart has been stretching and adjusting and this new little one has firmly planted herself deep within my heart. I find myself thinking of who she'll look like, if she'll be like Lizzy or the complete opposite. If she'll love her sister as much as I always loved mine. It's so neat letting all the possibilities roam around in my head. Knowing she's already a big part of our family.

Anyway... I'm staring out the window looking at the beautiful day outside... and I know I should go get Liz and enjoy these last few months of just her and I time. The problem is I already feel like it's not just her and I anymore... somehow knowing what's baking in there has changed my outlook. We're now a family of 4. Even if we haven't yet met this tiny one. She's captured our hearts and is always on our minds. Not that that will stop us from enjoying Liz to the fullest the next few months before she has to share our attention... but it was both a little sad and exciting knowing how much this new baby is already a part of our home.

Friday, September 21, 2007


So in all the craziness I didn't even mention why we chose to do the ultrasound yesterday... Yesterday was our 4 year wedding anniversary! :D We actually went on our first date 7 years ago on September 17... so it was great to be married so close to a monumental day for us.

We decided that this year our gifts to each other would be the ultrasound, and it truely was a perfect day. We didn't do anything special other than the u/s. We took Liz to Wild Wing for dinner last night. Not exactly a romantic setting but it suits our current lifestyle and they have great food. Although... they have this super spicy appetizer that I LOVE and last night it made me incredibly ill. I was so bummed... last pregnancy I was the same way about half way through - no more spicy food at all. Soooo sad. I'm not huge on spicy stuff, but I love their Hot Shots. However, I spent the majority of the evening with a very very upset stomach so it was early to bed for all.

Oh well... looking back all of our anniversaries so far have been rather interesting. Our first anniversary we went to the Hard Rock Hotel in Universal and thought we'd give them a chance - we had a miserable time and swore we'd never return. (However we had a great anniversary choosing to ignore the nasty management and 3 mile walk to the parks.) We had an amazing dinner at the Palm Grill and made the most of it while talking about how fast our first year had gone by.

Our second anniversary was 3 weeks after Lizzy was born. We went out on our first date since her birth and were back to the house in 40 minutes. LOL Too funny. Looking back I remember gobbling up dinner and calling every 10 minutes to make sure everything was ok. When we got back to my parents house Lizzy was sleeping on my daddy's chest - dead to the world. Other than that, I was to tired to remember anything else from that anniversary. ;)

Our third anniversary we were seperated and both struggled through the whole day...

While this, our fourth anniversary we found out the gender of our new baby and went on a date with our daughter. LOL We clearly don't make a big deal of anniversaries but they're special to think back on our wedding day and remember why we got married.

So here's to hoping the next 4 are a little less exciting. LOL I'd prefer a boring old life for a few years. ;) 4 years and counting! Crazy how fast it's flown.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's A GIRL!!!

Yep that's right! Lizzy's going to have a little sister in about 5 months! Soooo exciting! I didn't know what to expect this morning, I was so nervous I woke up at 3 am and couldn't get back to sleep, I kept wondering if she'd be healthy, if all the right pieces and parts would be in place... if there'd be some terrible news I'd get announcing something awful was going on inside. But nope, little miss was sound asleep and had to be jostled around so she'd wake up and play with us! LOL After bouncing my tummy around like it was a trampoline Maddy woke up and started kicking and stretching... she keeps her hands up by her face so we might have a thumb sucker with this one... and she'd stretch her little legs out and put a foot right in perfect view. She looked like such a sweet sweet angel. I can't wait to meet her!

Right after we found out Jay went to work and I went straight to Target to swap out my BLUE sleeper that I'd gotten on Monday. (My dad swore it was a boy and he was right with liz, so I figured I'd go buy one little blue thing.) Well I switched it out for an adorable lavender stripe sleeper and found a baby blanket onsale marked down from $20 to $3!!! Love those deals! I then walked over to Babies R Us to see if they had any deals when I realized. I really don't need anything else! We're going to keep the girls (*giggle* I love that... "the girls") together in one room and keep the other room open for the playroom. (At least that's the plan for now.) Since Maddy will be in with us in her bassinett until about 2 or 3 months when she starts sleeping through the night, I figure there's no point in her having her own room when we've already got tons of room in Lizzy's bedroom. Right now I've got the toddler bed on one wall and the crib opposite of it and there's still plenty of room for 2 dressers and a hope chest. (One dresser and the hope chest are already in there) So it won't be too much of a stretch for the girls to share a room. But I'll definately wait until baby girl is sleeping through the night before inflicting that on Lizzy. ;)

Wow I just cannot describe how excited I am. Seriously. I've been jittery all day long. (Of course that might have something to do with the Mt. Dew I drank prior to the ultra sound - I wasn't taking any risks... they're booked up all day so I knew if we were going to find out today, I'd better have her awake when we arrive! Turns out she was still sleeping... but easier to wake up than lizzy was... hope that's not a sign. LOL) It's just so great to know. Now I feel like it's real, I've seen her, she's growing and beautiful already. (Of course she's rather alien like at this point but you know, mom's love them all the same.) It's great calling her... HER! :D YAY! Ah I can't even begin to say how long I've looked forward to finding out!!!! And now I can start doing a little shopping. (Oh I know, I have plenty of stuff for her already, but one thing I don't like to reuse is PJ's and special outfits. Day to day stuff is one thing, but PJ"s wear out so quick... I want her to have her own soft and new PJ's. - Yes, I realize. I'm weird.) LOL

So that's that... on to some pictures!

Profile Shot!
For some reason this next one looks
like she has about a dozen toes on one foot.
But the u/s girl assured us she counted
5 on each foot. So I guess I'll trust her.
Would kinda be cool though. :P 12 toes on each foot.

I have some more, but these were the best one's... Hopefully I'll get some more at the 21 week u/s. (I'm not sure if I'll have another one or not... depends on if the doctor recommends one. This was done off site as my doc won't do them until 21 weeks at least... and I wanted to know NOW! LOL We shall see...)

Anyway, Madeline Grace (Maddy) or Annagrace (not sure on the middle name but we'd call her Gracey) will be her name! That is unless something else peaks our interest. LOL But for now these are our favorites! :D

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Babies and more!

Wow... so Anna and Nathan just welcomed Joeseph Nathan into their family. He was a healthy 8 lb baby and he's absolutely gorgeous. Dark hair unlike his very blonde brother. This was their last baby. 2 in all so it's been an exciting week for them...

AND Laura and JR just had their son too! Austin James was 6 lbs 3 oz. 3 weeks early... what's with all you first time mom's going early?! So not fair. LOL I haven't got to see pics of Austin yet but can't wait to. His mama and daddy are both really gorgeous people so I'm sure he'll be one very handsome boy.

It's so exciting to see all my friends have their kids! And it makes me doubly excited to have our next one. :) Beth, Mom, Caleb, Liz and I all went shopping today - Beth and I tried on some fall/winter maternity clothes we found onsale. I really need to go back and pick up a couple things. Motherhood has kahki cords for $25! That's amazing for that store... but better yet - JC Penny's had the same style for $18 onsale! Love those deals! I want to go pick up a pair of dark brown one's and I loved the green one's. Counting my jeans I think I could get through the rest of my pregnancy on those! And I found a cute zip up sweater that I LOVE. It fit really cute. The right maternity clothes actually give me a cute belly instead of looking like I have a beer gut. :P

I need to watch what I'm eating even more carefully. I'm going to go ahead and bet this is another girl. I'm gaining in my face again... definately a girl thing in our family. And I've been doing really well with eating... (of course I didn't do BAD last time, I just finished what was on my plate) *sigh* I've not gained a ton yet, but it's showing everywhere and I hate that. UGH. Definately not looking forward to the next 5 months especially since beth is already so tiny, not to mention it's her first baby - she's 10 weeks - and of course - still has a completely flat belly and tiny figure. It's going to be a looooooong winter.

But on the bright side - if all goes according to plan we should be able to find out what our wee one is tomorrow!!!! OMG I'm SOOOO excited. I was actually so excited last night that I didn't sleep well at all. (Of course, I went to bed at 9) Seriously. LOL But I was up several times last night thinking about the new baby. I so hope everythings in good shape and that whatever the sex they're growing healthy and strong inside me. I get so nervous sometimes. I woke up on Sunday cramping a bit... as it turns out the only place that hurt was my bladder so I think kiddo was at an odd angle or something and really just kicking like she's in a soccer tournament. I hope that's all it was. Doc said if I spot or cramp anymore to come in, but I didn't. I just hope tomorrow goes well and everything looks good. I haven't felt the baby as much this week, but my tummy has definately popped out more. I'm hoping maybe he/she's just sitting differently. Idk... I'm a worry wart. Either way, we'll know tomorrow! :D

So yesterday was crazy. I dropped girlfriend off at preschool and then came straight home and cleaned for 3 hours. Picked her up, fed her and put her down for a nap and then cleaned for another 4 hours. Holy cow was I tired. (I think that's why i went to bed at 9. I just couldn't keep my eyes open!) Jay loved it though so it was all worth it. He came home and there wasn't a mess to be seen anywhere. (well excluding my kitchen, I'll attack that nonsense tomorrow) Everything was freshly vaccumed and I put up some new wallflowers in a fall scent so everytime we walk in the door now it smells like fall. I love it!!!

Okay that's pretty much it for now, just wanted to throw an update out there - 2 new baby boys arrived this week! Is that a sign? Or is my gut feeling right? (For the record, last time I had a gut feeling it was a boy. So I don't claim to be good at this gut feeling thing.) LOL We shall see soon... Oooh and I'm not calling or texting anyone - but you will all find out by tomorrow afternoon - I've got a different idea. :D I'll send out a text that says check your emails!!! I'll try to have it up by lunch time. ;)

Hopefully today is the last day of not knowing!!!! I'M SOOOOO EXCITED! :D

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Yes that's what lizzy calls miss Anastasia. LOL Cracking me up, we were just scrolling through pictures together and I asked her if she knew the baby's name... (right after I told her) and she said. "Anajedus!" (Combo of Anastasia and Jesus I think) :P Ooooh that was cute.

When we got to the teacup pictures she went "Awww Cuuute! Beebee in Cupie!" LOL Gosh I can't wait for baby 2! I know I'll have a thousand funny/cute things to post then!

So today is Jay's birthday! :) I woke up early with him and he got to open one of his gifts, then I went back to bed for a couple hours. Liz got up at 8:30 and ate 2 whole waffles! (And asked for more!) little piggy! Mom picked Liz and I up around 11:30 and we went over to her house for awhile so kiddo and I could get out. I was looking through mom's baby closet... I have to say - I'm really hoping for a girl. I mean, I'm all for puppy dogs and sail boats - but I realized today that girls are familiar territory for me - and I think I'll make the adjustment from 1-2 kids alot easier if the next one's a girl. I can't imagine having Lizzy to take care of and trying to learn how to take care of a boy - you know, parts and stuff. Not to mention, boys are just SO different. I was glancing through my Babies R Us catalog earlier and realized - I just gravitate towards girl stuff. The outfits, blankies, clothes, the babies themselves. LOL Anyway... I'll be happy either way - I just always thought that I'd be die hard wishing for a boy for baby 2 - and now that I'm here - I find myself wishing for another girl. Funny how it all works out. Either way I'll be truly thrilled, I want a boy for Jay - he'll have so much "boy" fun with a little guy - but if Jesus let me pick.. I admit, I'd be torn. :) Good thing God knows exactly what we need even before we do.

Anyway. I just pulled a carrot cake out of the oven. YUM. We're off to MIL's for pizza and cake. (Perfect pregnancy diet food right?) :P

Just thought I'd jot that down, *giggle* Anajedus. LOL

Monday, September 10, 2007

Potty Update.

Sooo today was a long day. My girly started off in her big girl undies, she did great all morning telling me when she had to pee. I was really proud of her. We made it through lunch, no accidents! And on to nap time! On the advice of a friend I put a diaper over her panties (since she didn't want to take them off) for nap time... that way if she wet, she could wake up and tell me. Well this is where it all backfired on me. She woke up with a massive messy poo, and it scared her badly. She cried and cried the whole time I changed her and cleaned her up - she was really upset that she'd ruined her big girl panties... I put a diaper on her since she was so upset, and for the next hour every time I'd say her name she'd just BAWL. My poor girly. She was so proud of herself earlier this morning, I kept telling her over and over that it was okay, accidents happen, you're doing great, but that didn't seem to help much. It was so obvious. She was disappointed in herself! It made me so sad to see her like that! I don't want her to feel pressured at all. :( After an hour or so she was fine though. She spent the rest of the evening (with a diaper) telling me each time she had to potty. She's funny, she *has* to have a book when she goes though. (Can you tell how many times she's decided to use the potty when daddy was going?) LOL Cracks me up - she kept pulling me in with her, "Mommy potty! Here! Book!" hahaha she makes me smile.

So I guess it wasn't a complete failure, just a rocky time this afternoon - tomorrow I'll just put her in a pull up for nap time, if she poo's oh well. At least it fits like a diaper. I'm keeping her home from school tomorrow, she was still coughing a bit this morning and as unhappy as I was with the other mom who let their kid go to school sick, I refuse to do it to the other kids in her class - even if she's pretty much over it. Nobody will ever accuse me of being that lazy of a parent. UGH (major pet peeve of mine) ;)

Anyway, tomorrow's a new day. We'll try again... we took a nature walk today! We walked around the neighborhood (big girl didn't want her stroller... she held my hand and walked beside me the whole way!) and identified leaves, flowers, grass, tree's, the sky, etc. It was fun just being outside and quiet with her... she get's really excited when she see's something new and asks what it is.. (eg: Palm tree's stumped her) It was cute.

So that's it for today - nothing pregnancy related to offer today... I realized that someday I'll love looking back at these updates on Lizzy - I wish I'd have blogged her first two years as well... oh well, hindsight is 20/20 and all that. Let's hope tomorrow's more successful! :)

Leap of Faith.

So I decided that I'm going to work with Lizzy this week on potty training. So far it's been pretty casual, we haven't really pushed it - we just sit her on the potty before bed and bath time, if she goes great and if not we don't worry about it. But lately I've noticed she *really* wants to learn - anything and everything. She's been asking all kinds of questions, about everything under the sun. And I think with a little guidance and effort she might just be ready to potty train... maybe not - but we shall see.

She's currently wearing her big girl panties right now. I know we'll probably have lots of accidents - but I figure while we're stuck at home (my car's still broke) I might as well make the most of it and let her stay close to a potty while she's learning. :)

We shall see! I'll keep y'all updated - it might be too soon but I figure we'll give it a few days and see how we do. I'd love to have her pottytrained before Christmas, and with any luck we might just make it long before that!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Week 15 Pic.

Lizzy's finally getting it, I think. LOL When asked where the baby is - she runs right to my tummy... of course if daddy asks where the baby is she goes right to his tummy. :P

15 Weeks!

Wow I have to say this week went fast! I woke up this morning in the best mood. Lizzy's feeling a little better - no more snots, just that funky cough every now and then. Jay's outside under the car getting ready to replace a water filter - sound easy? He has to drop the whole engine to do it. Fun times. Poor guy spent almost all day yesterday working on it and he'll be on it the better part of today too. And chances are I'll be without a car for a few days this week... but you know what? That's ok! If the weather continue's like this Lizzy and I can walk everywhere!!!! Amazing how good it feels when the weather drops from the high 90's to the mid 80's. This is amazing! Still plenty warm (if not hot in the afternoons) but in the morning/evening's it's only in the high 70's which is pure bliss. I'm absolutely loving this weather. :) If I could move somewhere where it was this temp year round - let me tell you, I'd be one happy girl!

I'll take pics later - I'm wearing a tube top type shirt right now and I'm not sure if that's appropriate for a picture. LOL It shows off my arm pudge. ;)

Anyway! 15 weeks and our wee one is about 4 inches long! I've gotten many kicks and jabs this week - nothing painful or noticeable from the outside yet - but I love getting them. I can't *WAIT* (have I said this before?) for next Thursday!!!! A week and a half from now we'll find out if the wee one has a hot dog or a hamburger! (As my pregnancy update so sweetly put it) hahaha made me giggle, I just had to throw that in there. LOL

Pic to come in a bit. :)

Friday, September 7, 2007

Sick Day.

So I knew this was coming... kiddo got her first preschool cold. Or bug. Or something of that nature... I noticed last night she had an occassional funky cough. But it sounded fake - however, she never fake coughs so I was thinking it was probably the begining of something. And I was right. Fast forward to 7 am. She's up with a snotty nose and bad cough. Fun times... I load her up with vitamins, Oj and whole wheat toast for breakfast - within an hour her tummy's upset, and she tells me too. Mommy! Tummy! :( Poor baby. So first diaper change - up the back, out the sides, down her legs - throw her tush in the bathtub. There she plays for about 10 minutes before Jay calls and says - by the way - I forgot to put the pieces back in the van so before you sell he rodeo today you better do any errands you needed to do b/c you won't have the car until I get home and fix it. Great. So I load my not feeling good toddler up, go run a couple errands, end up at walmart where I need to pick up some groceries... Lizzy starts saying Owie Tummy. So I pick her up and she lays her head on my shoulder while I'm steering a cart around walmart trying to hurry up and get the heck out of there. I picked up some meds for her and out we go - walk in our front door - another explosive diaper. At least we made it home. Back in the tub (that's how messy these were) change of clothes, the whole nine yards. Almost lunch time. She wants green beans. So I give her green beans - I figure those are pretty mild. Then she wants macaroni and cheese - Ok that's not too bad either so I whip some up and she eats about three bites and wants to go play... mommy dress! On goes the cinderella dress. 5 minutes later? Mommy tummy.... off goes the poopy dress, clothes, diaper, 10 wipes later I put some pj's on her and put her in bed for her nap.

*sigh* It's been a loooooooooooooong day. And even more fun - now I'm feeling yucky. It's 7pm and Jay's not home from work yet. I'm glad it's Friday and we can just chill together tomorrow. Hopefully this is just a 24 hour bug and Liz will be over it by Tuesday and can go back to school. I know one of those snot nose little buggers gave her this cold. *grrrr* But I'll keep her on her vitamins and healthy veggies and such - hopefully with enough Vitamin C and Iron in her diet she can kick this pretty quick.

That's all for now... my house smells like poo. I just spent 20 minutes ridding every room of anything that smells like poopy and covering all the rooms in baby powder. Now my house smells like a powdered poopy diaper. Wee.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Countdown Begins.

To 3 that is. Yes I gave Lizzy a new ticker today... I loved watching her draw closer to 2... and now my baby girl is working her way towards the world of 3 years old! I suppose the terrible two's may be headed our way eventually, but so far she's still an absolute joy to be around most of the time. I picked her up from preschool today and her teacher said "Miss Elizabeth showed us all her dancing skills today!" (Uhhhhh she has dancing skills?) Apparently so. She gave them quite a giggle. LOL She's really adjusted to her preschool class - loves going, doesn't cry when I leave and talks about her friends all day long. First words out of her mouth this morning? "Sydney!!! Ava!!! School!!" LOL She actually woke up last night around 10 calling for me, when I went in to see what was wrong she wanted to get ready for school. LOL It was so funny. "Mommy light! School time! Backpack!" Crack me up! Noooo baby, time for sleep - mommy will wake you up in the morning when it's time for school. *deep sigh* Okay mommy. I laid her back down and she rolled over and squeezed her eyes tightly shut. She was determined to fall asleep right away so she could go to school soon!

Man I love my girl.

Anyways... my baby is now going to be 3 in 11 months 2 1/2 weeks. :P I'm really loving this age so I'm not sad about it... I'm looking foward to being able to communicate even better with her over the coming months/years. :)

So that's all for now... fun times, new tickers and big kids. That's my life!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Listening and Shots

Remember the song I quoted the other day?
Well here's a link:
There you go. Tear Jerker.

So today was Lizzy's two year old well check! She weighs 29 lbs and is 37 1/2 inches tall!!! She's off the charts for height and 75th percentile for weight. Her head is only in the 50th percentile... is that good? I guess that means she has an average size head - idk, I'm so used to her being of the charts, 50% sounds so... average. :P She impressed the doctor with her vocabulary: Stop! Quit it! Please don't! (All while the doc was checking her ears.) haha. She's such a nut. Her doctor said she's in perfect health. After the doc came in she had 4 shots and a finger prick (iron test). Poor baby. She was fine during the iron test, didn't bat an eye... she was too busy asking for more bandaids as the nurse put one on her other hand to distract her, well of course she wanted one on both hands silly! So after the prick she was all smiles b/c she had a neon bandaid for both hands. Weee! Oh but wait, now we had 4 shots to get through. In the past they've let me hold her in my lap facing me so that I was able to hug her tight while she was getting her shots - well not anymore. They had to give them in the tops of her thighs this time instead of sides... so she had to face the nurse while I held her arms down and her legs between mine. Can you say heartbreaking? I sobbed right along with her. Although after the shots she got her 4 neon bandaids on her legs and that cheered her up a bit. AND as soon as the nurse left - she wanted to go sit on the doctors swivel seat... all tears were gone. She paraded out of the office with a big grin on her face, cheeks shining with tears, perfectly happy with so many fun colored bandaids to play with. *sigh* This will always be harder on me than it is her I think. LOL I was still sniffling from having to hold her still.. and she'd already forgotten all about it. Oh to be 2 again...

She came home, ate lunch, played quietly in her playroom for a bit and then knocked out for 3 1/2 hours. Woke up feeling yucky, so we loaded her up with more Tylenol. That definately helped. She's been a bit whiney all day but nothing too bad. All in all I figured today would be much more tramatic than it was. Although the doctor wants us to come back for a flu shot next month. Psht. Fat chance. I don't do flu shots. I've never had it, DH's never had it, and knock on wood - Liz won't ever have it. So I'd rather take my chances than submit my family to a round of expensive shots *just in case*

Is that bad? LOL Oh well. That's my take on it. I know plenty of people who don't even immunize their children at all, so I figure I'm allowed to slip up on the flu shot thingy.

Anyway. Eggs, grits and toast for dinner. Nice mellow meal. Jay got up at 5 this morning for work and just got home at 7:30 - looooong day for him. He said a hot breakfast dinner sounded good to him. Works for me, it's easy and cheap. :D

That's all for now... every time I listen to this song I start bawling again, *sigh* I can't WAIT for these hormones to pass.

Oooh Oooh! I forgot! We booked our ultrasound for the morning of our 4th anniversary! YAY! We'll hopefully be finding out the gender at 9am on September 20th! YAYNESS! *super excited* about that!

Well it's time to put my princess to bed... she's standing here, hair all in her eyes with her cinderella dress on (did I mention she's addicted to this dress now? It *has* to be put on every time we're home.) so I'm off now. Good Night!