Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Rough Afternoon...

Just venting here... today was one of those "I hate being pregnant" days. It started out great, had a fun morning with some friends, great lunch, but it all went down hill on the way home. Lizzy fell asleep in the car and then didn't want to nap when we got home, so she's been MISERABLE all afternoon. So I stick her in bed (apparently just to play), Jay comes home to work on his truck so I head out to the fabric store, and lose my car. Yep. I was on the phone when I walked in and when I came out... I could not find my car. ANYWHERE. I was in tears. I walked every aisle, just miserable and angry with myself for having the worlds crappiest memory. That's when I started on the whole "GOD I HATE BEING PREGNANT" thing. Oh I love the end result, but my memory leaving? That is just way too hard to handle for me right now. I hate it. I seriously waundered around that dang parking lot for over 30 mintues completely miserable, knowing that it was there... and just not being able to FIND the stinking thing! I walked a mile out to the end and walked every single aisle... 3 times... I'm finally at my wits end and was getting ready to go back into the store and call the cops (at this point, though I knew better, i was convinced somebody stole my car because there was just no way I could be THAT stupid...) but alas. I am. I had parked in the very first parking space, about 10 feet from the door. Yep. That's me. Brainless, memoryless, MORONIC Jessica.

On a better note, My sister and her husband are having a boy. I'm glad somebody is. I was ready to start shopping for blue and since I keep getting pink after pink it's about time SOMEBODY in this family had a boy... I'm happy for them... So I officially have a nephew bakin... he's due April 15th! :) They're naming him Jack. I love that name.

Anyway, this is just one of those days. I feel like curling up in a ball and going to sleep at 5 pm... but alas, my grumpy, throwing a fit 2 year old is doing a lovely job of reminding me of the joys of motherhood.

1 comment:

K said...


I've had a few of those days myself, both the losing your mind days, and the "why did I sign up for this again?" days... It's rough...

But it'll get better! :)