Saturday, November 24, 2007

Pregnancy Vent.

Tonight Linda offerred to watch Lizzy so Jay and I could go on a REAL date. (It's been a long time...) So I found something reasonably nice looking in my very limited wardrobe... black shirt and black pants - did my makeup (which is rare) and styled my hair, feeling slightly less "fat" and frumpy than normal we headed out. We decided on Applebee's in Summerville (not our favorite choice but we were running short on time since we were going to see a movie later). We split an app and I ordered a bowl of soup for dinner.

I finished the soup and put my bowl off to the side when our smart mouth college kid waiter sarcastically came to check on us and made this remark: "Gee, should I go get you another bowl?"

Huh? Why would I need another bowl?

Sarcastic Smirk says: "Well you sure seemed to enjoy this one."

Okay. I'm 7 months pregnant. That really was not a nice thing to say to any woman... but a PREGNANT woman? Ugh. Hormones kicked in and it took everything in me to hold it in until we left the restaurant about 2 minutes later as Jay could tell I had tears in my eyes... I bawled in the car for over an hour. That kid made me feel like CRAP. I mean, geesh... it's not like I ordered a huge meal or something... it was a freaking bowl of soup! What's so bad about finishing a bowl of soup? *sigh* It completely ruined our night. I was bawling my eyes out, red puffy face - no more make up - completely mad at myself for being so sensitive and even more mad at the kid for opening his big sarcastic mouth. Jay didn't know what to do with me so we just went back to my MIL's so I could wash my face and sit for a bit.

I swear... I do NOT ever want to be pregnant again. I'm so OVER it. The stupid hormones, losing control of my body... Over it i tell you... over it. :(


Anonymous said...

((Hugs)) sweetie!

That was a really jerky comment for your waiter to say. I would have probably gotten the manager or told him off or something...actually, no, I probably would have been like you and cried my eyes out, but WHF sure would have said something. lol!

I love you so much and to me, you are beautiful. *kiss*

Dana said...

aww...Im sorry sweetie..I would have complained and you should still do so..

You are Beautiful and Im sorry he ruined your evening..:(

Love you

K said...

I certainly hope hr didn't get a tip! It's funny how the hormones play with our emotions - I remember crying at dog food commercials.

((HUGS)) You still look fabulous to me!