Saturday, November 10, 2007

24 Weeks Picture! :)

So here it is, the great white whale has a new picture! Sorry it took me so long to get around to it, I don't like having my picture taken right now... noooo definately not. LOL But I made a commitment to it, so even though I'm feeling like I must be rolled from room to room right about now, here you go. ;)

Crazy to think I'm now officially in my 6th month! WOW. This pregnancy goes SO slow sometimes, but then all the sudden I'll start thinking that I only have 3 months left and it feels like it's flown by! CRAZY! This is my last month in my second trimester! By the begining of December I'll be officially in the 3rd trimester and starting the grand countdown! :D

So tonight is Lizzy's last night in her toddler bed. *sniff* I want to start getting the crib put together, and I want Liz to get used to a twin before Maddy arrives. (I figure if we have to buy a new matress, I'm not going to get another crib mattress for the toddler bed so that Lizzy can grow out of it in the next year, so we're going to go ahead and get her a twin!) But, we found this really cool metal frame/box spring that doesn't require a seperate box spring so it's still low to the ground like her toddler bed. I like that she can get in and out of her bed so easy. So anyway, tomorrow we'll put her new bed together and then put the crib mattress back in the crib, pink fuzzy sheet on and I'm going to make Maddy's bumper to match the girls room. I think I decided to keep the girls together once Maddy's sleeping through the night. I figure during nap time if Lizzy has issues with getting up and bugging Madeline I'll just have Liz nap on my bed. Easy enough. :) That way we can still keep the playroom a seperate room and all will be well. The girls room is going to be packed once I put the other dresser in there, but at least we'll have plenty of storage for the kiddo's. Anyways, so I have Lizzy's new sheets in the wash right now... they're light pink with tiny rosebuds all over them, they match her Shabby Chic patchwork quilt that she already uses on her toddler bed... but now it'll look like a *real* bed!!! :D I'm super excited about that. I found a new'ish twin matress cover today at a yard sale for $2. I say newish b/c it wasn't in a package but it looked brand new, one good wash with some bleach and it'll be perfect to put on her bed! AND while we were out we ran into our small group leaders who were browsing another yard sale and they told us they have an extra twin matress that they had gotten for their twin boys but decided to use bunk beds instead and needed a double on the bottom, so it's just sitting in their garage waiting for a good home... so they gave it to us! YAY! And at another sale I got 4 pairs of really cute shorts for next summer for Lizzy... for .25 each. :D Gosh I love yard sales. Then Jay just had to stop by the flea market, and we found a doll house... for $2. Yep. $2. So that'll go in the playroom - it's a tall one that Liz can really play with and not have to get on her belly to see inside... so for Christmas we're going to get some more little dolls to put in it. Great stocking stuffers. :D

That's pretty much it for today, I've had a bad cramp in my right side all afternoon so I think I'm going to go lay down for a bit. Hopefully it goes away soon... I think Maddy must have her foot propped up on my kidney or something. ;)


Vince said...

*hugs the polar bear* Kidding kidding! You look great.

K said...

You look great!! Remember when you told me that, and I didn't believe you? Well, believe me now. You look fantastic for almost 2/3 of the way there!

Dana said...

You are so beautiful..:)
YAY for the bargains...This is so exciting,Im so happy for you guys!

Miss you and Love you so much!

Good Bless..:)

Anonymous said...

You look beautiful!!! and I so love your haircut!! I'm going to have to go shopping with you sometime...I can't believe you found all those wonderful deals!

Anonymous said...

So beautiful!