Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lizzy & Fire?!

No, don't worry... she didn't start a fire, get burned by a fire or really anything that has to do with *real* fire... but this was Fire Saftey week for her school. So tuesday the kids made tie dye shirts and practiced Stop. Drop. and Roll. Then today the fire department came in and worked with all the kids on fire safety... Liz came home with some fun souvineers for her day...

A fire Hat:
A stop drop and Roll Tshirt:

And of course we had to practice the stop. drop. roll part... this was liz... pre drop:

They also picked me for Room Mom today. So that'll be fun... my first assignment is due tomorrow... come up with 8 Fall Harvest (christian school so they don't call it halloween) Party favors/food stuff for the kids to snack on. Any ideas? I was thinking of dying some white grape juice bright orange (so it's still 100% juice - minus the 4 drops of food coloring.) ;) Or just bring in OJ - for some reason I think the kids prefer grape and apple juice though. I'll pick up some cute fall halloweeny paper plates and napkins... and one of the mom's already volunteered to make "spider cookies" So I need 7 more ideas. Any thoughts?

I'm feeling a little better today - not much has changed, but I'm coming to accept that this is just one of those things we have to go through and to keep on marchin... as a wise man (woman?) once said... "The only way to get through your current troubles is to not stop walkin... keep movin and eventually you'll be on the other side." Wise (albeit phrased a bit hillbilly) words. Fitting for the situation when I feel like just giving up.

So anyways... nothing new to report. Still don't have my car... bummed about that b/c it means staying at the house all day and we get cabin fever pretty easily these days. Next time we move, I'm making sure there's a park within walking distance - I'd love to just get out and take kiddo to the park this afternoon... she'd love that.

Well, that's all for now folks!


Dana said...

She is too cute..:)

Im glad you are feeling a bit better.:)I worry about you..

You can take lollipops(dum dums) and put a kleenex over it and tie it and put eyes and a circle for a mouth and you have a Lollipop Ghost..:)

Jessica Clemmons said...

ooooh cute idea!!! I like that!

K said...

Get thee to TONS of ideas on there.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...I remember the lolly pop ghost things from when I was a kid! That's always a good thing!