Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Christmas List

(For those who read my blog, this is entirely boring and unrelated to daily life.)

Okay, I needed a place to keep my Christmas list where Jay wouldn't happen across it, and this was the first thing that popped in my mind as he never reads my blog.

So here we are. It's that time of year again and I need to start making out lists for Liz, Jay, Madeline (yes I'll do some shopping for her too since she'll be here so soon after the holidays), my family, Jay's family, and then a few friends. Whew. That's a long list. Usually by this time of year I'm almost finished... or at least have a good start. Uh, yeah, not this year. I have about 3 things for Lizzy and that's it, haven't even started on anyone else yet.

(I'll probably update this and change it 30 million times but I like having it in front of me where at least I can get a start)

The stuff that has a (*) are things I've already purchased.
Here goes:

*Red and Black scottie dog outfit
*Jumbo sidewalk chalk (for stocking)
*Look and Find Nemo book
FP Little People - Time to learn Preschool
Small Table and Chairs for her playroom
FP Little People - Learning zoo.
Meet the Robinsons DVD
The Jungle Book DVD
And probably a few more clothes things including some panties as I'm deterimined to have this child potty trained before Maddy arrives.
I'm going to do a Little People stocking for Liz this year, they have lots of little sets so I'll add some of those into her stocking, bubble bath, character washcloth, etc.

Clothes. My husband needs clothes and this is something he loves getting for Christmas so there you have it. Mostly clothes for him.
Harbor Freight gift card for his stocking.
A new Watch.
Armani Mania
A new movie (though I have no idea what)
and maybe a board game, idk, he loves board games but we have a bunch of them... i need to figure out something fun though. I hate to make it an all clothes/accessories christmas... even though he likes it, it's not all that fun, and he's a fun guy... I'll think on this one.

Her name in wooden letters to go above her crib.
Something special but simple... not sure what yet but it'll hit me.

And I just realized, pretty much everyone else on my list has access to my myspace which has a link to this, so I guess I'll save my extended family and friend's list on the computer. Off to work on it...

(What a pitiful list this turned out to be... I've got to get thinking of what I can do for Jay and Maddy! AHHHHH) For those of you who were bored enough to read this... any suggestions for something Fun for Jay and something special for the baby?


Vince said...

What you want from WDW?

Dana said...

I get Drew the same things you get Jay..Clothes,Cologne,DVD..I get hin a gc to Lowes or Home Depot so he can buy tools also...

Maggie was in the NICU for her first christmas but I got her a bracelet with her initials on it and an ornament with her name..I also got her a Babys Bible with her name on it and a bib and Blanket set embroidered with her name

She also got a cross with her name that is above her bed..:)

Jessica Clemmons said...

Awwww those are great Dana! I'll have to remember that, I love the Baby's Bible with her name on it... cute! :)

(Oh and I don't need anything from WDW Vince, thanks though. :) I'm not much of a souvineer shopper... and that's even when I'm on vacation! LOL)