Saturday, January 19, 2008

When It Rains It Pours...

Well of course, since Jay got hurt, I got sick, and Madeline was having issues - Lizzy just couldn't be left out. Last night was Mom's Night In, Ashley brought Emery over to play with Lizzy and Linda (MIL) came over to help Jay take care of the girls while Ash and I enjoyed a mom's night out with no kiddo's in tow... Ashley ended up making dinner for Linda and Jay - so sweet - she brought meat loaf and corn over, Jay asked if we would go out more often. LOL Anyway, so Ash and I had two parties last night- the first, a baby shower for Jacquie from small group (she's due the week before me) and then we scooted over to the Mom's Night In where we all brought appetizers and got in some great conversation for a few hours. The baby shower was fun, and the MNI was a blast... but when we got home I noticed Liz was really warm - Linda had left about an hour earlier and Jay had just let the girls play and run around so we thought it might be because she'd been running so hard. I put her to bed as it was 11pm and she knocked right out... 45 minutes later she woke up screaming. I ran in and she was on fire... 103.5 tempature... I couldn't find the Tylenol (it's been a LONG time since she's needed it and I couldn't remember where we put it in the move) so Jay went to go pick up some Tylenol at midnight... he finally got back about 45 minutes later as he had to drive all around to find some place open that late at night and as soon as we gave her the meds she projectile vomitted all over her bed, pj's, hair, carpet, blanket, ect. So I had to give her a bath at almost 1:30 in the morning, she screamed and shook violently the whole time. I called the pediatrician's after hour service and the nurse told me we HAD to get Tylenol in her or else bring her into the ER if it got to 104.5... great. I pulled her out of the tub and wrapped her in a towel and rocked her for almost 2 hours until I saw the red starting to leave her face - I kept a cool towel on her forehead and that seemed to help a bit... I finally put her back to bed around 4 and then got up every 30 minutes to check on her... every time I'd walk in she'd sit right up and talk to me as if she hadn't been sleeping at all - but then I'd tuck her back in and let her sleep for 30 minutes before checking on her again... around 5:45 she woke up crying really hard so I put her in our bed (a first for her since she was about 2 weeks old) and she asked for some milk, while she was drinking I sneaked in some Tylenol and Benedryl as she was also all stuffy... she didn't throw it up this time, instead she just rolled over and fell asleep - so we all piled in our bed and knocked out until I woke up around 8:30 - Jay slept for another 2 hours and Liz slept until 11:30. I can see why some parents do the whole co-sleeping thing, there's something comforting about having your baby right next to you where you can just roll over to check their breathing and make sure they're all right... but it would never work for us on nonsick nights - not to mention I like having room to stretch out. LOL

Anyway, I kept her on tylenol all day and she seemed to be alright - her fever broke about 45 minutes after she took the first dose this morning (6'ish?) as I noticed her sweating and finally all the heat left her hands and neck... I never gave it a chance to come back today as we were pretty faithful with keeping her on the meds... SO hopefully she'll sleep better tonight - she went right to bed and seemed to be in good spirits. We shall see...

*sigh* My family needs to get better... ALL OF US!!! We're all on meds now - GEESH. All I want to do is get us all better so we can function and have a life again - it seems like all we do right now is try to rest and take medicine. I'm trying to keep this in mind: This too shall pass... I'm just hoping it passes sooner than later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goodness sweetie!

I can not imagine!

Hopefully Miss Lizzy is back to her cutie pie self soon and you all start to get back to normal...

KIsses for you all and all of my prayers are being sent your way...

It will pass sweetie...Keep the faith!
Love you!