Thursday, January 17, 2008

Health Update.

Okay, so back from the doctor. Boy am I just a mess. LOL At least we figured out what's going on... I have a viral infection in my ears. (Basically an ear infection but not really???) I have what's called "Pregancy Congestion Illness" aka... super bad sinus infection that reaches the ears and can't be cured with anything safe for pregnant women to take. Great. So all they can do is treat the symptoms not the infection... sooooo I'm on some sort of seasickness drugs to help the neausea and diziness, and ear drops to help with "pain relief of the throat and ears" and Ambien to help me sleep. Geesh.

lol I'm in pretty good spirits though I'm really sick and tired of being sick and tired. Seriously. The last two nights in a row I've slept aproximately an hour and a half each night... and for some reason I can't nap during the day anymore, so basically I'm running on virtually no sleep during the day. I'm not supposed to drive until this thing has cleared up as I keep having dizzy spells that take away my vision and all I can see is spots...

SO. The baby has a viral infection as well... which makes no sense to me, as I thought they were surrounded in fluid anyways??? So what would a little more fluid do to her? But they said it was a residual effect and that's why she's so lethargic right now. Whatever. They're also going to be watching me closely for preclampsia as my blood pressure has gone up, I'm seeing spots and I've noticed an increase in swelling in my hands, face and legs... all warning signs - fortunately none of it is too high at the moment, so they're just going to watch me carefully and then we'll go from there.

Oh and the only cure for preclampsia? Delivering the baby. *sigh* I'll be 35 weeks on Sunday, so my next visit is next Thursday as long as the swelling and vision loss don't increase... when I go in on Thursday if my blood pressure has gone up, they might induce next week... or once again, if it all stays the same - I might be pregnant for another 5 weeks. UGHHHHHHHHH.

BUT the good news is, tonight I'm taking Ambien so I WILL be sleeping whether my body likes it or not. YAY! I need sleep... I've cried twice today over the most ridiculous things - my doctor telling me to hang in there... *bawl* and Jay telling me he was going to go pick up my meds *bawl* again... no clue why either time. Stupid hormones. I know it's also because I need rest... Jay even took Lizzy to run some errands a little bit ago but when I lay down my brain starts thinking of all the things i have to do before Madeline get's here and I'm wide awake again... Tonight I'm cutting of my liquid intake by 7 so that I can take my meds at 8 and sleep as long as my body will let me...

All in all, I'm just glad to I know what's going on... I'll watch all the symptoms carefully and call my doc if anything get's worse on the P-C stuff, and next time I post I'll hopefully have had a good nights sleep... (so please excuse any spelling errors and rambling. I blame my body for those.) ;)


Anonymous said...

Huge huge hugs sweetie!

I had severe Preeclampsia and thats why they had to take Miss Maggie...So I know how you are feeling..The good thing is you are 10 weeks past I was when I delivered..LOL..YAY!

Take it easy and stay off your feet as much as least try too..the more she stays in you the better..Trust me I know this!

Love you and hope you get the rest you need soon..I am praying Miss Maddy stays for a while longer...:)

K said...

You're in the home stretch now girl!

You can make it! Here's hoping she stays put for at least another 3 weeks!
