Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Suprise Shower! :D

So Charli invites us over for Dinner last night... it HAD to be last night. And we weren't allowed to bring anything because she came up with this long story about inviting her family to dinner and them not showing up so she had Tons of food to get rid of... yeah. sure. ;) Turns out we had a suprise baby shower last night! We showed up at Charli's and the whole house was decorated with It's a Girl stuff...
Ashley and Charli had spent all day decorating and making food just to surprise me! It was so much fun!!!! The girls wanted to plan something for me but didn't know want to wait around for everyone who kept talking about planning something - so they said heck with it, we'll just suprise her. LOL

Anyway, here's a hilarious pic - right before Jay was going to take it our kids all started bickering so here's the 3 mom's yellin at our kiddo's...
And here's the pic 10 seconds later after the mom's have had their say. ;)

I love these girls... these were the two that brought us dinner after I spent the morning in the hospital 2 weeks ago - love them love them love them. Such sweethearts!!! They got us this HUGE basket over flowing with baby items - it was so great, everything we could possibly need when Madeline first arrives - all the little things you rarely think of but they covered! I was seriously so blown away...

Here's some other pics from last night...

This is Lizzy and her cupcake - notice the cupcake part is still there while the frosting is mysteriously gone. ;)

Charli's son Trev and Lizzy eating dinner and chatting away... so funny to listen to our little people carry on a conversation now. LOL

Okay these cupcakes were SO yummy. I almost sneaked a second. :P

This last one is Emma Jane - the kids broke into the fridge right before we left... Liz and Trev were probably looking for sweets but cutie pie Emma just went for the carrot. LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love in the mommy picture that even the doggie is looking at the girls then looking at the camera =)

Glad you had a good evening and snagged lots of goodies!