Friday, January 11, 2008

Slowly Getting There

Well, a wee bit more progress. We picked up the swing and cradle yesterday so now both of those are set up and looking ready for baby! We moved the other sofa in, so now that's finished as well. I think we'll be getting our kitchen cabinets next weekend... that'll be a HUGE project. We're still plugging away at the kids bathroom as Jay's back can only handle so much right now, but all the bead board is up - now we just need the corner trim and crown molding. Toilet should go back in tomorrow, so then that bathroom will be functional though not painted yet as I want to do it all in one coat when the trim/molding is up. But functional works for me.

I admit... I am SO overwhelmed right now. And not really the good kind... things are falling into place, but I just stress all the time about how much we still have to do and how much we want to get done before Maddy arrives, and how much we still need to do to the old house. UGH. I just stress too easily right now. Brooks (the electrician) is coming by tomorrow to rewire the stove (it has 1 aluminum wire and that's not up to code) so then we'll have our stove, and I think he's installing some new can lights over the showers and in the living room if he has time... it'll be pretty - but it's just one more project ya know? Whenever I start thinking about it all I just sort of freeze up. It freaks me out that we have a gazillion projects left to do... I'm tired. Just... tired. I feel huge, look huge and did I mention feel huge?

I worry about Jay constantly. I wonder when his back will act up again, if he'll ever heal completely, when and if we'll ever get back to work regularly... it's all just taking a toll on my emotions. I'm not depressed or anything, just overwhelmed.

And I'm stressing over this lunch/shower thing my mom and sister are planning for Madeline. I feel dumb, it's my second baby and it's another girl, just 2 years after the first. I love the idea of celebating Madeline... but aside from that the whole thing feels pointless and rude... idk. I guess I stress too easily these days.

So, didn't mean to make this a downer post. Just a lot on my mind these days. I can't decide how I want to organize the living room - so for now it's all jumbled up with no organization - and that's driving me mad. We're not using the kitchen right now so we're living out of the fridge with a couple bags of dry goods to get us through so we're not constantly eating out. AHHH. I'm just ready to skip past the next month and have Madeline in my arms with all the projects finished and behind us. Can I just snap my fingers and do that please?

(Still waiting...) lol

Oh well. Reading back I sound like an ungrateful brat... I'm just overwhelmed... grateful, but overwhelmed.

On a positive note, I'll take pics of the swing and cradle next chance I get and post them... they're super cute. :)


Anonymous said...

Sit down and breathe!

It will all be fine love..I know it is so much too take on and you worry but it will be okay..I PROMISE YOU!

You guys are doing amazing!

As for the shower thing..not pointless or rude at all...they are celebrating Maddy and you....Whether you had a baby 2 years or 8 years ago..enjoy it!..Everyone there loves you all and want to do this.. so let them..have fun:)

Maddy will be here before you know it and you will wonder where the time went..SO relax and enjoy every second of everything and know that things will be fine..They always are.

I know you hear this all the time but God will not give you more then you can handle..and it is true..Just think that God has this much faith in us well...then we will be ok..;)

Enjoy the lunch...and get ready for life to be even more amazing ...

I Love you!

K said...

Ditto what Dana said!

Just take some time for yourself! Go get some tea and sit back for an hour. The house will still be there!

Love ya!