Thursday, January 31, 2008

Needs Good Vibes!

Or prayers, your choice! :) But I'm off to the doctor tomorrow, with being so close to "full term" (Technically 2 days from now) I'm really hoping she has some good news for me tomorrow... I'm in full blown "Severe Pregancy Congestion" mode, and let me tell you - this is NOT fun. I blow my nose - literally - every 2 minutes. All. Freaking. Day. LONG. Oh, and all night long too. AHHHHHH. Benedryl does nothing, Sudefed does nothing (yes I tried a dose even though it's class C - anything to help at this point... but nope, nadda.) *SIGH*

So here's my thoughts on it all, Lizzy was 7 lbs 11 oz... my doctor that delivered her informed me that had she been any bigger I would have had to go to a C section as my body was not made to deliver big babies - she got stuck on my pelvic bone for 2 1/2 hours and we nearly had to have an E-Ceserean. No fun. Having said that... Madeline measured 6 1/2 lbs last Tuesday - nearly a week and 1/2 ago - and if memory serves me right, babies gain about a 1/2 pound a week the last 5 weeks... well... if thats true (and from her most recent "bruise the heck out of mommy" events, I think it is) then that means she's approaching 7 1/2 lbs... which is fast approaching Lizzy's weight - which means, should I go much longer, I'll likely have to have a C. And I REALLY don't want to. Sooooo I'm going to beg and plead that they remeasure her tomorrow - if she's 7 1/2 or so then I'm hoping the'll plan an induction soon... very soon. I really want a normal delivery if at all possible.

AND I tested positive for group strep B this time... (odd as I didn't last time) so they want me on the antibiotics for a few hours before I deliver... I live about a half hour from the hospital and would likely take a few hours getting there when I go into labor as I'd need to get Lizzy to my MIL's (Opposite direction 20 minutes adding on 40 minutes to the trip) meaning if they don't induce and I go naturally, then there's a good chance I'll have Maddy before they have a chance to get all the antibiotics in me... which would be bad for both her and I.

AND (not that this really amounts to much) I'm ready to have her. I'll be full term on Sunday so seriously, let's just get the show on the road shall we? I'm going to beg... and plead... and beg... and plead... and beg some more... so lots of prayers and good vibes would be wonderful. Let's hope she (my doc) gives me good news tomorrow. :)

Jay gave me free reign today to go pick up everything else we needed for Maddy... that was FUN! :D I also shopped for my sister today, but I won't post what I got her as her shower's not until next week and she reads my blog. LOL (hi beth.) :D

Anyways, got all my shopping done for sis, and I picked up a diaper depot (it attatches to the changing table - or for right now the cradle) and holds diapers, wipes etc. It's great for keeping things handy and will be very useful for those middle of the night explosions that are soon to come. :) I got some ribbon and finished Maddy's artwork for her room - I need to take some pics and upload it, it turned out SUPER cute. I can't wait to see it on the walls! I got our changing pad, and some other small things like cradle sheets, lap pads etc. Nothing too big... (our shower is Saturday so I'm going to see if we get anymore blankets or our diaper pail before picking those things up) but it was nice finally feeling almost ready for Madeline. I'm so excited to meet her! I think about it constantly. LOL

So that's that... y'all pray for me tomorrow! Thanks! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im praying for ya sweetie..:)

Hope all goes good and no c section..BLAH!

Im so excited..make sure you have someone update this blog or you better have Jay text me when you have Miss Maddy so I will know..;)

Or you can just call me while you are having big deal..:p

Love you..and Good Luck!