Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Location!

Posting for the first time from our new house!!! Boy this has been a crazy week. Jay's continuing to feel a little better - though his back still really hurts at times, his pain meds are doing their job, MRI is in a week. We spent the week prepping the house so we could move in this weekend and spent our first night in the house last night!!! Right now we have no cable so I'm "borrowing" the internet from a neighbor and it's not all that stable, so until Comcast can come set us up in a week or so, I won't be online all that much. Hmmm... so what's new? Well our Home Group leader called us on Thursday and said "Just wanted to let you know, we cancelled group for tomorrow night, instead we're all coming to your house to help you with any projects you have left so be sure to make a list and have everything ready!" I was floored. I kept telling her over and over - y'all don't have to do that! And she replied, "I wasn't asking... I was just letting you know, have the projects ready as WE ARE COMING!" LOL She wasn't about to let us off the hook - and what a HUGE blessing that was! First the husbands showed up, our friend Brooks did all the electrical stuff we had left - outlets, hanging lights, etc - tons of projects that would have taken us days, and they were things Jay shouldn't be doing - he got them all done in half the time it would have taken us! (Brooks is a licensed electrician so he had all the right tools which made it a snap for him to do!) Then Abbies hubby Sean and Mr. Bill came over and moved a ton of furniture in the house for us - so now our sofa's, entertainment center, beds, etc are all in! Then all the wives showed up and they all grabbed paint brushes and helped me give the dining room/hall/foyer a second coat as well as attacked the trim that's been haunting me. My back starts killing me when I get down on the floor to paint the trim - so that was SO nice! The guys then finished most of the shoe molding in the dining room and the girls painted it... I attacked the second fridge with Lysol (ours has a leak in the freezer so we're using the off white one that came with the house until ours get's fixed) and cleaned it all up so we can store milk and basic stuff until our other fridge comes back. The guys also moved the stove and fridge back in the house (we had to take them out when we put in the floors)

All in all we got about 2 weeks worth of projects done in about 3 hours. Not to mention it was really fun having everyone there and chatting with all our friends. It made all the tasks fly by - things that would have taken me days on end to finish up - are all done now!!! I still can't wrap my mind around that.

All the girls loved Madline's room - and it still has a long way to go - but everyone got a kick out of her fully stocked 4 foot closet. LOL We will not be wanting for clothes for this child! Diapers, wipes and bottles maybe. I have a lot of shopping left to do in that dept. But definately not clothes. ;) Lizzy did well staying up and entertaining everyone until almost 10 last night.

She did have a hard time sleeping, the heater shut off for some reason (the whole HVAC unit is being replaced in a few weeks as this one sometimes shuts off randomly) and last night was not a good night for it to shut off - it was 36 outside and only 58 in our house - and I didn't have the space heaters here. So she woke up at midnight, one and three crying and saying she was cold. (She hasn't quite grasped the fact that you need to stay under the covers to stay warm, yet.) So I went back in every time and tucked her in, warmed her up and then sat with her until she fell back asleep - by 3:30 this morning I'd slept less than an hour straight and was EXHAUSTED. I woke up at 5 with pregancy bladder and then was up at 7 for the day. So I'm going to nap here in a little bit. I need some sleep!

It feels weird being in this house, we still have TONS of stuff to move over from the other house - storage things, christmas things, picture frames, mirrors, etc. But all the big heavy things are over so now it's just several car loads waiting for us over the next few days. It's overwhelming while we're at the old house, but feels good to be in a clean new house. Jay and his brother are attacking the beadboard this afternoon in the hall bath. It already looks SO good with the new pine floors and the little bit of beadboard they've done. I can't wait to see the finished product - I need to take some before and after pictures so y'all can see just how ugly those walls were before we finish the beadboard. LOL

Anyway... enjoying our new house - anxiously waiting Madeline's arrival! My gmail ticker finally moved to the second to last baby! Just abou 50 or so days to go until she arrives!!! I'm hoping for fewer but seeing as how Lizzy was late, I'm not counting on it. Since I'm with a doctor this time and not a midwife, they said they'd induce me the week of or before if I want... and I definately want that if they're offering! I'm hoping to schedule it for late evening so I can tuck Lizzy in at my mom's and then go to the hospital around 8'ish, labor all night, deliver some time in the early morning and have all day to enjoy visitors and such - then pass her off to the nursery so I can get one last good nights sleep before she's all mine to take care of! hahaha... wishful thinking? Probably. But I'll see if I can't swing it. It sure would make things a lot easier that way. It's funny when people ask me when i'm due and I can now say, next month! Love that!!! (Of course saying "any day now" will be great too)

Our French doors go in on Monday... hopefully in the next week or so we can start on the new kitchen cabinets. We'll see, gotta wait until Jay goes back to work and we start making money again before we'll be buying all those. Either way - we're here! And I'm loving it! :D


K said...

Wow! What wonderful friends you guys have! you're very blessed!
and congrats for being in your new home! You must send me your new address!

Sending early (but not TOO early) pregnancy vibes your way!)

Anonymous said...

Yay for being in the new house!!! Sounds like you have some great friends. What a blessing to have them help you. Can't wait to see the pics of the new place!

I hope Miss Madeline's birth goes as smoothly as it soudns in your plan =) I've heard from some friends that my doctor is big on inductions because he is the only doc in the practice....not that I need it yet but good to know that the option is there.

Dana said...

YAY! That is so great what they all did..You guys are truly blessed...:)

Keep that baby in till she is ready...Early births make me nervous so do not rush her...

I miss you and Love you so much!