Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My funny kiddo.

Well this is a fitting post for my 100th post on this blog... it's an upbeat and positive post. I figured I need more of those in all the messes that have been going on. LOL

So here's my funny kiddo moment for the day... Lizzy was running around the house in her PJ's this morning playing with her Little People, (she's at the age where she's really into imaginative play... so cute!) Anyway, so I was sitting on my bed checking my email, just relaxing when she walks in with her hula skirt and crocs on over her pj's... she didn't realize I was sitting there so I just watched her, she walked over to my sink - looked over, nodded her head, walked back out of the room where I hear her rustling in the hall bath, she walks back in with daddy's step stool and plants it in front of the sink, steps up, grabs her toothbrush and toothpaste, flips on the water and proceeds to brush her teeth... I was dying inside - she's never done this before, usually it's a fight to get her to stand still long enough to brush all her molars but here she was just a scrubbin like a big girl. The funny part came when she had to rinse - she looked around, mouth all foamy and didn't see a cup to rinse with so she just bends over the sink and sticks her head under the faucet...

She still had no idea I was behind her so I grabbed my camera and snapped a quick picture before I finally had to bust out laughing. She quickly dried her mouth and looked over at me to see if she was in trouble, when she saw me holding out my arms she ran over and said "I hada bwush my teef mommy." It just melted my heart... I realize a little more every day how grown up she's getting... my 2 year old, brushing her teeth all by herself. *sniff*

So to update the last few days, I swear I have the best friends ever. After reading my blog one of my girlfriends called a couple other girls and they made us dinner the last two nights in a row... that was SO sweet. I appreciate being off my feet and just resting as much as possible right now and they just blessed me to tears suprising us with dinner, not once but two nights in a row! Part of me feels bad when someone reaches out like that but the other part of me is learning to be humble and say thank you. It's helped me so much... I'm not sleeping well at all right now and I'm afraid if I was to cook for my family we'd all end up in the ER with food poisening. LOL These last few meals have been a welcome change from all the fast food we've eaten lately.

Madeline is moving more, though I still worry about her constantly, she was moving enough that I didn't have to go in on Tuesday - but I go in tomorrow for my regular scheduled visit, they're going to retest my iron and take a look at her on the ultrasound again to make sure she's still breathing right and using her lungs like she should. It makes me so nervous - but I know I'm at the best hospital in the area so if anything should happen - no one could take care of my baby better than these people. Still... I'm praying hard that nothing happens and she continues to grow like she should. I've been feeling better from all the OJ and milk I've been drinking, so I'm hoping that her body is responding as good as mine. I think it is as she's given me a few good kicks and jabs the last couple days - definately a good sign. I'll update more once we get back tomorrow, but for now I'm just trying to enjoy my last few days alone with Lizzy and not fall on my butt from sheer exhaustion. I literally sleep less than about 3-4 hours a night right now - the rest of the time I'm wide awake with a ton on my mind... oh, and that's with 2 Tylenol PM - if I don't take those I'm up every hour on the hour without fail.

SO I'm definately ready to have this baby as soon as she's done bakin! I'll probably get more sleep after she arrives than I do now. haha. (Yeah, sure... lol) Life is crazy, but good. Charlie came over with her kids last night to drop off dinner and said (and I quote) "Your house looks beautiful!" I almost started crying - we still have SO much to do on this house, but to hear someone really appreciate all the hard work we've done to it lately just meant the world to me. It made me proud of my house, which is something I've not really had before - we've always been blessed, but often times we've lived in not so hot neighborhoods or tiny little peanut houses that are terrible for entertaining. Spreading out in this house has been so fun, and the neighborhood is great too so together that makes me excited to host some great parties in the coming months, be it birthday, just for fun or whatever - I love to entertain, so I can't wait to finish up these last few projects and host a big get together for all our friends who've supported us during the last month or so of craziness in our lives. :)

Anyway, that's all for now, I'm headed out to dinner with a friend tonight - just us 2 girls. I'm looking forward to a couple of hours of me time with Karen. :)

1 comment:

K said...

Yay for good friends.

Good for you for taking some time to yourself.

Love ya girlie!