Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My Chunky Monkey

So today was a fun morning! We had a 3D ultrasound at MUSC this morning, just a final check to make sure everything's looking good. Madeline is reported at being a little over 6 1/2 lbs already - WOAH. 4 more weeks and she'll be a horse!

Everything is looking great and the girl even said she's fully using her lungs now which means she can come at any time now and under normal birth circumstances won't need any NICU care. Awesome news! She has a good bit of hair they said - it's almost touching her neck on the back - same as Liz. All her measurements look good - due date looks to be some time the 3rd week of February still...

now for the fun part... Look at my big lipped baby! The girl couldn't get enough of those lips - she said her nose is squished b/c the cord was in front of her face - but those lips alternated between pouty and a half smile while we were there... So no premie clothes or diapers for us! If she came today she'd be in newborns - if she comes in another month we'll be out of those 0-3 month things in No time at all! LOL


Anonymous said...

Its so amazing what you can see! Glad to know Miss Maddy is feeling better. She'll be here before you know it!

Anonymous said...

WOW!...So exciting...:)

LOve you so much!

K said...

I'm jealous! My insurance didn't cover a 3D scan... I would have loved to see Anastasia before she was born!

So exciting!

Anonymous said...

Wow! She's almost here!