Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Madeline Update!

So I got back from the doctor today with some interesting news... they've officially moved my due date up to February 24th! And she said chances are I'll go before then. AHHH!

Madeline is measuring at 34 weeks 4 days... so that was pretty exciting! Doctor said as long as everything goes smoothly the next few weeks she'll give me the Friday evening induction on the 22nd I was hoping for! (So Jay won't have to work all weekend and can be with me and the girls.) And I finally had my gluecose test today - just about passed out in the chair as they were taking my blood. lol I seriously got all glassy eyed and the nurse had me lean my head back - I had to lay there for a minute after she was done as everything was spotty and foggy - scared Jay - but I kept saying, "just give me a sec, this happened last time too." LOL

After some apple juice and crackers I was fine though. I swear they have got to come up with a better method of checking for gestational diabetes... making preggo's go 12 hours with no food and then spiking their sugar just to make them sit for an hour just cannot be the best way to test that. I swear that test was made up by a man. ;)

Anyways, just wanted to update! Madeline's officially A LOT closer than I originally thought! LOL I adore my doctor, she's a real sweetie... and I'm officially on weekly visits now. Sucky part about that is that I have to get the cervix check every week from here on out... NO FUN. (Especially since mine is tipped... ooooh the pain... my doctor was actually apologizing as she knew I was in some mega pain from that.)

They did a 2D ultrasound today to check fluid levels and I have one more ultrasound next week (3D!) to do one last check on Madeline. Can't wait to see what she's looking like now!

Anyway, needles and doctors aside... I realized that 5 1/2 weeks is not long at all to get the rest of our house ready for baby girl!!! I've got some work to do the next couple weeks! Yikes! Mom and Beth are planning a baby "sprinkle" for me the first week of February - not a shower as I really don't need a lot, just a fun luncheon to celebrate Madeline. I'm really looking forward to that. :) That's all for this update! Hopefully I can talk the girl into giving me some pictures at next week's 3D ultrasound so I can upload them!!!


Anonymous said...


I will be at WDW the week after and can buy Maddy and Lizzy cute stuff..:)

Im so happy for you guys and hope all goes as planned..Hope to see pics soon..We NEED to talk soon..Maybe this weekend..email me and tell me when you may have a few moments and we can chat!..I MISS YOU SOOOO MUCH!

Love you!

K said...

3D ultrasounds are SO neat! Scan those pics in girl!

Yay for going early!

And yes, that GTT sucks majorly. At least that was just the one hour one! Here's hoping you pass and don't need the 3 hour one :)