Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Okay, so I am SUPER excited and wanted to update a few things. First of all, all this dieting has REALLY helped my metabolism... my energy levels have skyrocketed which is crazy awesome. The last few days I have scrubbed my house to a sparkling shine & organized closets, caught up on laundry, etc. Lots of things I'd been behind on... it feels so good. AND I've officially lost 17.5 lbs this month! Hard dieting and exercising, not to mention the workout I get from scrubbing my house has really paid off! I'm almost half way to my goal!!!! I know the first 20 is the easiest and the next 20 (22.5) will be much harder, but I'm so excited that all my clothes are getting a bit baggy. Love it! I'm down 2 sizes in jeans already. Ahhhh feels good. So anyway, the kids are in shock. Mama has been getting up at 6:30 so by the time they wake up at 9 I'm already mostly done with my housework each day so we get to spend the whole day playing and goofing off together. They love it, I hope this energy thing lasts... I love having energy still when Jay get's home from work. It's been nice staying up and spending time with him. Usually when he get's home its dinner, bath, bed time for the girls & then I'm usually asleep shortly after they are. But the last few days I've been able to stay up, watch movies, plan our budget together, etc. Sooo nice. Anyway. Feeling good and slightly smaller! Just wanted to share! :D

1 comment:

Maura said...

Congratulations! Mass kudos to you, chica. 17.5 pounds is amazing! What in the world have you been eating that gives you so much energy? I'm finding that I can't get enough food in me, working out the way I am.

And another thing: your girls don't get up until 9?!? How'd you do THAT?