Thursday, April 15, 2010


Well, I'm down another 2.5 lbs. It's been a long week, but I do have more energy which is very helpful. We had our bi yearly bug spray yesterday which always makes for a crazy day... We have a pond/lake behind our house so the mosquitoes & palmetto bugs (aka roaches) are always plentiful in our backyard & garage... and when the weather warms up we start seeing them inside too. Gag. That's what you get for living in a 30 year old house with crappy insulation... So every 6 months we have someone coat our yard in an environmentally friendly layer of bug zapper, as well as the garage, kitchen and bathrooms. Which means on that day we can't come home until everything dries. However yesterday, he decided to do some new gloss under our sinks, fridge & stove to prevent any bugs from being able to live there, ever. Which is fabulous & I'm all for it (I have a pretty bad bug phobia, crazy yelling & chasing the mosquitoes around until I squish them is fairly common in the house... my kids refer to it as "ew buggy buggy mommy's crazy!") ...what I didn't realize is that we can't USE our sinks, dishwasher, stove or anything that will warm up the kitchen until the gloss sets... which takes 5 days. who what?! I just paid $ for someone to incapacitate my kitchen for a week. Crap. It was worth it I guess... I mean, no ants, no squitoes, no roaches ever again? I'll believe it when I see it... but for now, we'll be dining in the play room for a week on cold cuts & fruit. Yesterday was a loooong day. We cleaned in the morning, played at the park with some friends until lunch time, drove over an hour to meet daddy across town, ran a few errands for him, went to Ye Old Fashioned for yummy ice cream, picked up some Milk & Candyland 3D onsale for $3. Then came home, played the game, had dinner in the playroom (yep, you guessed it, cold cut sandwhiches) and then they both passed out at 6:30. Yes, we did the whole day with no naps. Eeks. Always a risk... but it worked out okay & they both slept hard and didn't wake up until 8:30 this morning. :)

As for my diet, I'm not working out nearly as much as I want to. Screw the 3-5 times a week with arms/abs in between... I'm lucky if I hit the DVD 2-3x's and remember my arms and abs once on my days off. But I'm trying. Having more energy is making me a braver mom, I take the kids out on longer play dates, am willing to wear them out and tolerate the melt downs when I cut it too close. Normally I don't play that game, we're very routine people but it's nice being outside & enjoying this weather more and letting the routine slide a bit. I'm looking forward to a summer full of park dates, pool time & sandcastles at the beach! I have the girls closet stocked for summer, and I've made over 75% of it myself from great deals on fabric! Woot!

Anyway, just wanted to update. My jeans are getting a bit baggy. And I'm perfectly happy with that. :)

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