Friday, April 9, 2010


Easter 2010 happened to be an insanely gorgeous day for celebrating the resurrection. We made a weekend out of it, spending Saturday with grammy and Sunday with Nanie & Pawpaw. I had planned all week to visit the Summerville Easter Egg hunt at Azalea Park Saturday morning with the girls for lots of Easter fun. However we over slept, decided to work out & then hit the hunt in the afternoon as I thought it was at 1pm... nope. The kids hunt was at 10am. Oops. You can't just tell your kids "sorry guys, mom's mistake, maybe next year?" Nope. I had promised an egg hunt & gosh darn it we were going to have an egg hunt. So off to grammy's house we go where we hid 42 eggs filled with jellybeans & grammy had Easter presents waiting for the girls! Liz was thrilled to find the Princess & The Frog DVD in her grammy loot. Grammy also found matching outfits for the girls which made me smile... we all know what a fruit loop I am about matching my girlies. We followed our fun (no nap) day up with dinner at Wasabi. Now I realize most people don't think of Easter dinner involving Japanese food... but seeing as how I had a coupon, and Linda & I are sushi nuts... we decided Wasabi was a great place to celebrate together. Mm mm mm. Sooo delicious. Following our delicious food we rolled ourselves on over to church for the Saturday night service. It was amazing... our worship team is really incredible. They are such a talented group & never cease to amaze me. What a celebration it was & with tears in my eyes we ended our evening thankful for the grace we've been given so freely which cost so very much... He is risen... indeed! Sunday morning I left my girls devouring their Easter candy & playing happily in their new swim suits, flip flops & beach towels which I put in their baskets every year. (I figure I'm going to buy them new suits anyway, why not put them in their Easter baskets?) So off I go (in a dress no less, which is highly rare for me) to church to serve in the nursery all morning. What a great morning it was. We had 10 babies in nursery for one of the services and somehow I was lucky enough to get the 6 week old angel baby who was so tiny and precious I absolutely melted. He snuggled into my arms for an hour while I blissfully remembered those early days with my babies... such a special Easter gift for me. Who needs candy when you have a sweet little one to rock and love for an hour & then give back when they get hungry?! Not I! After nursery duty we spent the day at my mama's... which was more fun with the candy, clothes, big baskets, lots of thankfulness and amazing food. Whew it was a crazy weekend!

Here's a couple pics of the craziness!

Family pic...

Mommy & Daddy's Easter Basket goodies!
Easter Dresses - Sister lovin - 2010

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