Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Busy Weekend...

Well the kids finally got over their yuckies... thank you Jesus... I think I did about 300 loads of laundry every day while they were ill. No fun. Last weekend Summerville hosted its annual Flowertown Festival where all the local crafty vendors get together with local businesses and restaurants & everyone puts on a good show. We had a booth at the festival so the girls spent 3 very long days with no naps staying with us from 8-5 each day. Sooo tiring. It was lots of fun though. They played in the grass behind our booth which happened to be on a hill so there was lots of fun to be had rolling down the hill. Grass stains and dirty hands galore! Liz got her face painted like a peacock and we all ate WAY too much amazingly unhealthy delicious food. I spent $18 one day on the best sushi ever but decided that was way too expensive to do more than once, the rest of the time we stuck with Italian sausages, cheeseburgers & cheap hotdogs. Blech. I made a maple honey glazed ham & garlic roasted mashed potatoes last night to counter all the picnic food of the weekend. I've got a couple great pics from the last few days... my girls are so crazy.

AND I have some news... there's a possibility that I'll be going back to work as an At Home Travel Agent for a Disney Only company here in Charleston! It's all in the works and nothing is final yet, but I've been searching long and hard for a way to get back in the industry that I love. And I'd really like to specialize in Disney Vacations. SO... I'll know more in the next few days as we sit down & chat more to be sure our goals/interests are the same.

So anyways, here are the pics:

Lizzy got her facepainted like a peacock!

My sweet girlies at Charlestowne Landing

Madeline trying out her bed with no rails!

It was a fun crazy weekend... my big splurge of the weekend was 4 bottles of organic muscadine juice. Heaven I tell you, at $7 a bottle it better be. LOL Every sip is like a mouth full of fresh grapes... no sugar or water added... just fresh squeezed muscadine grapes... Mmmmmm... As I type I'm sipping this deliciousness and savoring each mouth watering sip. Life is good. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jess! Long time, no see!

Can't believe how big the girls are getting! And congrats about getting a possible job as a Travel Agent! That's so cool!