Friday, March 19, 2010

Fevers. Fun. Frantic.

My poor children. I swear I sometimes wonder when child services is going to show up on my doorstep & say "You know, this is just one time too many." I accidentally gave Madeline food poisoning yesterday... Worlds Best Mom Award goes to...

*sigh* I fed her some chicken soup for lunch that apparently had gone bad. I didn't taste it first, I don't warm up her soup usually because she just wants ice cubes to cool it until its cold. So I pulled it out of the fridge, stirred it up & served it with a smile. She gobbled it down and within 5 minutes was projectile vomitting. Yeah, apparently someone (*coughdaddycough*) forgot to cover the soup the day before.. and then popped a top on it early the next morning. Which was plenty of time for it to go bad. Anyway. Poor girl had it coming out both ends all day... and night... and off & on today. And right about the time she was back to normal, low and behold... Liz get's ill! This time I'm pretty sure it was not of my doing. She has an ear infection. This would be her 3rd one I think. Three in 4 1/2 years isn't too bad, but still. Poor girly is running a crazy high fever and hasn't eaten anything all day long. And then about 30 minutes after falling asleep she woke up and got sick all over her bed & pj's. So we had a late night bath & some new sheets & pj's. Unfortunately her "B" which accompanies her everywhere took a serious hit so it's in the washer as I type. Which makes for a rather miserable girly.

Anyway. Fevers are no fun. But I will say I love love love my temporal thermometer. Thank you Jesus for the (wo)man who invented that stroke of brilliance. Taking my kids tempature is no longer a battle and horrible experience, it's now so easy that half the time they sleep through it. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. If your kids have to be sick... this is a huge help. I recommend them to everyone.

Hoping my girls are 100% soon! I hate seeing them sick! We had a fun morning despite all the craziness. Maddy woke up feeling great (although she was filling her drawers at a rapid rate it didn't slow her down one bit) & Liz was fine this morning so I packed them up and we went to MOPS at the Longpoint Campus. It was lots of fun. Lizzy made a new friend in church a few weeks ago, and her mama is a super sweet gal. So we've been hanging out a bit. Sue has 2 girls, Cadance who's 5 (SUCH a sweetheart. Liz absolutely adores her.) and Lana her precious 13 month old (who Maddy's taken quite a liking to) and who has the biggest most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen on a baby. So sweet. Anyways.. Sue & brought her girls (and niece) to MOPS and then we all went out to lunch afterwards. Lots of fun & craziness with 5 little girls. Two of which were in high chairs, the other 3 had a great time. Liz wasn't hungry and said she was tired, but I figured she was worn out from playing during MOPS... little did I know. By the time we got home she was running a 101.5 fever. She passed out for 2 hours and then woke up with an even higher fever, and this was after the Tylenol.

SO. 1 dose of food poisoning. 1 big fat ear infection. My 2 sweet girls are just havin a rough week(end). Madeline seems to be completely over her nasties now. I'm hoping Liz sleeps well tonight, I get the feeling we may be up quite a bit cleaning sheets & changing pj's. Oh well... such is the life of a mama.

On a very nice note... it was 72 here today! Bliss I tell you, BLISS! I broke out the sandals & sundresses for my little cutie pies. And we all enjoyed the gorgeous sunshine... Spring please come and stay... forever! Summer, Fall & Winter can just kiss my hiney. I'll take spring forever please. =)

1 comment:

K said...

Awww.... poor kiddos! Hope they're both feeling better soon! If it makes you feel better, I've make sour milk sippy cups for Anastasia before *hangs head in shame*