Monday, March 15, 2010

1 in 5

1 in 5 people in the world are Chinese. Since there are 5 people in my family, it must be my mom or dad... or perhaps my older brother Collin. It could be my younger brother Cho-Chow-Ling but I'm pretty sure it's Collin.

-Courtesy of Mrs. H. This made me smile this morning. Which I needed... ever had one of those days when your children are driving so far past the point of crazy that you consider locking them in the house while you run down and max out your credit card at the local liquor store to forget your troubles? No? Hm. Well maybe I'll leave the door unlocked...

Today is just a normal Monday. Kids are tired from our crazy Sunday. Jay is getting on my last nerve with his "Let's be super super productive today!" attitude while I'd just like to let my cold medicine take effect and chill out today. Dag gone productivitey. Whine whine whine. I've had a cold/allergy thingy for over a month now. It comes and goes in phases. Right now its giving me a horrendously sore throat from coughing... which is not fun. Fortunately the kids seem immune to my cold so they're floating right along in the world of 100 mile per hour energy bursts while I'm struggling to get over my little speed bump.

On the upside, I'm cleaning out my house and selling everything we don't currently use/play with/or wear on Craigslist. I saved a few of my favorite outfits of the girls but everything else is going bye bye! I *think* I will love this feeling once it's all sold... for now it just means lots of bags & boxes everywhere while I sort through everything. But when we move onto our farm it'll mean less "stuff" we have to take with us... which is good. Especially considering the fact that while we're building our big house, we'll be moving in to a 2 bedroom mobile home. You got it baby. I am the queen of our double wide trailer with the polyester curtains and the red wood deck. I'm going to have to find some of those tacky pink flamingo's to put out front in celebration of our hillbilly-ness. Should be an interesting year or so.

So I recently reread the Twilight series while I was sick... which makes me wonder, what the heck is in those books? Crack? They're so addicting! Once I start the first book it's like I disappear off the face of the earth until I close the fourth book and even then I immediately think of starting over. I have no idea what the draw is, but I surely love the books. Not the movies so much. Feels a little odd lusting after good lookin teenage boys. LOL But the books are another story. *sigh* I'm so weird.

Lizzy is starting to read (yes I realize how very random this blog post is, but I have a 2 year old yelling in her crib who doesn't want to nap so pardon me for being slightly distracted) where was I? Oh yeah. Liz. Reading. Thank GOD for Leapfrog. The Learning with Leap DVD's have moved Liz from barely being able to identify letters to knowing every letter & it's sound & even how to put them together. We worked for a solid year (I homeschooled her this year) on identifying letters and their sounds... and all it took was 1 week of those DVD's for everything to click. She loves to point at signs and sound them out. I'm searching for some of the old Dick & Jane books but we have some easy readers that she slowly sounds out. It's pretty amazing how fast she's learning everything. I'm also homeschooling her for Kindergarten this year... now THAT will be an adventure. Jay's already committed to helping me with the science parts. (he loves science while I'm more of an indoor girl) so that'll be fun for her. We're using the new online public schooling program called k12. My aunt used it with her 4 kids to great success, so I'm super excited about Liz having the chance to learn at home. As much as she drives me ape wall sometimes, I'm not ready to ship her off to school. I'm looking forward to our time together this fall. Madeline is really wanting to learn too so I may even start her on some of the basics this year. Why not? She's interested! This is partly why I'm not ready to have a 3rd baby. I want to be sure we figure out how to do this whole homeschool thing before I add in the craziness of another mouth to feed/mind to entertain. Anyway... signing her up next week for k12. Looking forward to summer time & laying by the pool!

Enough randomness for the day. I updated the look of the blog... looks kinda homey now. :)


Laura said...

A bunch of people I know use k12 and love it! Can't wait to hear how it all turns out!

Jessica Clemmons said...

I'm actually incorporating 3 methods... I'll be using k12 for the main courses. I'm adding Abeka's Kindergarten Bible course as I want my girls to experience 13 years of Bible courses to build their biblical knowledge... and I'm also adding in more books from SonLight as I like their theory. But the only one I'm registering her for is k12. The rest will be on our own. K12 is super advanced, my cousins are VERY smart kids & really love the k12 program. I'm just excited overall. Homeschooling will be a great adventure I'm very much looking forward to! This year was very casual, we worked at her pace and only did school work 2-3 days a week. Starting in the fall it'll be a 5 day week with more structure. I can't wait. :)