Monday, May 10, 2010


Did anyone ever tell you not to pray for patience because God will send you problems to teach you patience? You know, patience is a virtue, it must be learned and cannot be given? Yeah... I don't pray for patience. Ever. Never ever ever. I know better. My children challenge my patience daily and I can honestly (and sadly) say that I have a long way to go before I'll have mastered the art of patience... however there's another area of my life where I'm being taught patience. The farm. Jay & I both felt like God was calling us to create a farm... over 2 years ago. We were (and still are) excited. We were (and are) ready. We said "Where God? Send us! We'll go!" We were ready. Or so we thought... we've prayed. and prayed. and prayed. God show us where you want us to be. Show us the farm you'd have for us. Teach us to wait on your timing Lord so we only go where you want us to be. Your will be done.

In case you didn't catch that... "Teach us to wait on your timing" can be translated to "teach us patience" oops. lol We mean it. Still do, and still pray for God's perfect timing. But the waiting process is admitedly hard. God is shaping our vision of the farm... a place where people can come and rest. A place to grow tree's instead of taking them down. A place to get back to our roots & grow our own food, make a smaller carbon foot print & build a recycled home. We are excited about our vision, and we know it's from God. Without a doubt we know that our farm will provide us a place for friends and family to come and just be... be quiet... be with family... be away from the city... be surrounded by nature... just... be. I long for those moments and am so excited to see what God has in store for us. I struggle with the waiting period. We've prayed and asked God what He's waiting for... then prayed for forgiveness for our impatience... then prayed again that God would show us where he wants us to be... then prayed once more for forgiveness for our impatience. It's a slow lesson to be sure but I know that somewhere out there the perfect place for us is waiting... a place where I can home school my girls, teach them to look beyond their front door and explore their world...

We've found a piece of land that we are prayerfully considering... it *might* just be the one.

If its not, we know God will open the right door in His time so that doesn't worry me... but I have to say, this property takes my breath away... it's so beautiful. It is truly like stepping into another world. A mix of Narnia, a beautiful rainforest and an empty meadow of lush green grass... all on one farm. It's small, much smaller than we'd envisioned, but again, God is shaping our vision to what we need and what He can use.... which is anything. We'd hoped for 15-30 acres close to town... this property is merely 5. Five small acres, part of which is protected wetlands and thus unbuildable. I don't know why my heart is so excited about this property aside from the fact that it is undeniably the most beautiful property we've looked at during our long 2+ year search... It is close to town. Close to our church. But also far enough from the city to see the stars, hear the crickets & smell the clean air in the morning. Lord I pray this is the one for us. If it isn't please give us the strength to walk away and trust in You completely to provide. If it is the one, please open the door wide open and give us peace.

We are submitting an offer in the morning... praying for guidance... thankful for grace, and looking forward to what is to come.

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