Sunday, March 16, 2008


Just thought I'd update and say WOW I am tired. I knew it would hit me eventually... and boy has it ever. Madeline is sleeping well, but I'm still pooped all the time right now. It's crazy... I go to bed early but I have a hard time getting back to sleep after Maddy wakes up to eat, so I just toss and turn a lot - and Liz get's up at 7:45 on the dot every morning right now... so there's no catching up on sleep in the morning... and Lizzy's having a hard time napping right now - I am doing everything I can think of to get her to nap but she just plays and comes out of her room about 30 million times... it's so tiring.

It's not a depressing kind of tired though... just a weary one. I'm in good spirits, my girls are doing well as far as health and appetite go so that makes me feel like I'm doing something right. Madeline is a PIGGY. Good gracious she eats eats eats... she's on a schedule but man is she a hog when it comes time for a meal, snorting and grunting the whole time she's eating. Seriously. She sounds like a little piglet. LOL It's hilarious.

Nursing is proving to be more complicated than I originally thought... while she's a great nurser, has no latch problems at all and would easily nurse full time if I wanted to - EVERYTHING I eat gives her gas! It's SO annoying! She has no gas with the formula, she doesn't even burp after drinking a 3 oz bottle! But man every single time I nurse my child get's an upset stomach. It's so frustrating. I feel so bad for her - I'm trying to just keep at it but it seems like I could eat nothing but bread and water (which I've tried) and she'd still get a tummy ache about an hour after she nurses.

*sigh* SO I don't know how much longer we'll be doing this... It's just too stressful knowing that I'm going to have a grumpy baby on my hands - and what's worse? She doesn't even cry when her tummy's upset... she just sort of curls up in a ball and whimpers... it's heartbreaking to watch and listen to. I was really excited b/c it's been so much easier this time than it was with Lizzy - but while Liz had latch issues, Maddy has gassy issues... definately not any better in the long run. I'm sad about that but i want to do what's best for her... I'm torn, is it best to keep going? Knowing she'll keep having tummy aches? Or best to just give her formula, knowing that I *could* be breastfeeding... I don't know... I'm going to a bf class on wednesday. Maybe they can give me some tips.

And I officially start my diet tomorrow! YAY! I'm SO ready to be rid of this baby weight! I've got at least 30 lbs to lose and it's driving me mad... nothing fits me right now but I refuse to buy new clothes. I'll fit into my old one's eventually... for now I have one pair of jeans and a couple pair of capri's that were my "fat" clothes before I lost weight last fall - so I'm wearing those in rotation right now. LOL

Anyway. I taking over the nursery room at church. The previous nursery leader moved to Atlanta so I'm going to fill her position. It definately does not help with my fatigue - but I love giving back and helping out... I adore our church so it's great to feel apart of things. It makes for a long Sunday though - I have to be there at 8 and don't leave until 1'ish... by the time we had lunch and got home both my girls were exhausted but neither one could nap as they were both overtired so they just grumped on me all afternoon. Jay and I are going to have to figure out a system to make this work for the whole family.

So... all in all, I'm joining the gym this week and hitting my diet hard and heavy (and safely as I'm still nursing) but all the same, I should start looking like the old me soon! :D Sleepy... but still me. ;)

1 comment:

K said...

Poor girlie... I know I was a total zombie those first few weeks too.

Sorry to hear about Maddy's gas. Is it dairy? I know that's a big one... Anya never really had gas from anything. Every now and then she did, but it wasn't from anything specific. I just gave her the gas drops and she'd cheer right up.

You've got plenty of time to lose the weight! No worries! (If you must know, I'm still wearing a pair of maternity jeans now and again because they're just so darn comfy.. And she'll be 7 months old next week... :P