Thursday, March 6, 2008

Mail Suprises!

Ooooh how I love mail suprises! Our post gal delivered a package today from a little blue bird (or shall I say bunny! :D) and it was stuffed with goodies for Madeline!!! Thank you Krystyna! I'll have to post pics later of all the fun things, but the crib toy is already a big hit with Maddy... she stares at it with this half smile while it's singing to her.. soooo sweet! The package also had the cutest pair of bunny pants - very perfect for upcoming Easter! And an adorable 9 month outfit... (thanks for thinking ahead!) not to mention a teether and a dozen or so awesome coupons. Yay! The gift that keeps on giving! LOL So fun... thanks girly. :)

So Madeline is doing very well. She is seriously the most mellow baby I've ever met... I know I've already said that - but I am in awe every day at how good she is! She doesn't complain about anything! The only time she ever fusses is when she get's hungry... aside from that she is one very mellow little lady. And even her fussing is nothing loud or long... she just let's me know it's time to eat mom and that's it! She is an absolute cuddle bug, ooooh how she likes to snuggle. She must be swaddled in order to take long naps - and she just stays all bundled up in her blankets for around 3 hours between feedings... during the day she'll stay awake after eating for 20 minutes to an hour, and at night we've figured out a good routine, she'll wake up hungry, I'll nurse on one side then she'll start falling asleep after 15 minutes or so - so I'll change her diaper, bundle her back up and then she's awake again to finish nursing, then she just passes out for another 3 hours. It's SO nice having an easy going baby... I'm counting my blessings every day.

She's growing! We had her bilirubin tested yesterday and she did fantastic... no high levels (though their methods of testing her broke my heart... that's another post for another day) and she's already gained back her birth weight plus an ounce! Go girl! My peanut weighed in at 7 lbs 14 oz yesterday and is starting to get a cute little double chin. LOL Enough that we've already started with the neck gunk. She wiggles during her baths but doesn't cry at all.. she's got so much hair I have to wash it every other day or it get's super oily from everyone's hands petting her all the time. She can't fit into any of her newborn clothes yet - but she can wear newborn sleepers, so that's what she's been wearing this last week... pj's every day. LOL Fortunately we have some adorable sleepers that could really pass for outfits so it doesn't look too odd.

I can't believe she's already been here almost a week! Tonight at 12:31 my angel will be a whole week old... *sob* wow how this week has flown by. I need to slow down and spend some more time at home just enjoying her newborn phase - I know it'll be gone before I'm ready... I've been running around like a mad woman these last few days getting back into the swing of things, but I'm realizing that i need more rest during the day... Madeline is so good she'll nap anytime anywhere but mommy needs to catch up on her rest too - I keep thinking I'm back to normal, while I know that my body is still healing and adjusting from a pretty major event just 7 days ago. I guess it just feels so good not to be pregnant anymore that I'm going a bit overboard with the rushing around and getting out and about. Anyway, slap on my wrist - I'll work on it.

More pics to be updated soon! Elizabeth is still loving her new sister - she helps me with everything and loves to check on her when she's grunting or fussing... she'll run in and say "What wrong with her mommy? She poop?" I think in Lizzy's world that's justification for a good cry or at the very least a good bit of grunting. LOL

Madeline Jane, you are a joy to be around girly. Mommy is loving every single moment I have with you. :)


Anonymous said...

Yay!!! Glad to hear all is well with you guys! Can't wait to see more pics!

Anonymous said...

I must must must make sure that I mail out Maddy's gift tomorrow! I have no idea why I am so bad at mailing things =)

So good to hear that you're all doing well and can't wait to see more pics!

jrs71985 said...

Glad to hear that she is doing well, and everything is going well with you. =)

K said...

Yay! Glad you got the package! I should post the pic of Anastasia with her matching Lumpy. She LOVES it. ;)

Double Yay for a mellow kiddo! Sounds like you've got it good!

More pics when you get a chance!!!! But not too soon, make sure you're getting your rest!

Love ya!