Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New News?

Well I know I've been MIA lately - so sorry, it's been hard getting time to spend online... the transition from 1 to 2 kids has been really fun, but definetly has its challenges. My girls are so amazing... Lizzy just loves Maddy to pieces and Madeline is a dream child. She's an incredibly mellow baby and has the best temperment. She sleeps like a dream and is a joy to be around - yet she never complains if I need to put her down to spend time with Lizzy.

I had Lizzy's pictures taken today - they turned out SO cute! Here's a couple of my favorites...

Tomorrow I'm having some pics of Maddy taken.... I actually had both girls taken on Monday but I didn't like how they turned out - I paid $60 at JC Penny's and compared to these of Lizzy - they were crappy. So I want a good one of Madeline. Anyway - so that's that. :)
More pics to come soon. Madeline is gaining weight like crazy... she was 8 lbs 3 oz on Friday and I'm sure she's pushing 8 1/2 lbs by now... she's getting some chunky little thighs on her. lol so darling.
Aaaaaand I'm getting Disney fever... bad! We want to plan a short trip in May. Lizzy overheard Jay and I talking the other night and now every night before bed she starts asking if we can see Mickey tomorrow. Bless her heart... I can't wait to take her back. I just keep telling her soon... lol 8 weeks til' May! ;)
I'll try to update more I promise!


K said...

Yay for Maddie! That's a sizeable weight gain! Miss Anya didn't weigh that much until she was a month or two!

Love the pics!

Anonymous said...

Love the pics! She looks like such an angel.

Thats great the Maddy is so mellow. I guess she was showing that temperment when she was inside Mommy too...she was just chillin and happy to be where she was.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Love the pics of Miss Liz! She looks adorable!

jrs71985 said...

Oh my goodness. She is precious!!

When in May would you go?

Anonymous said...

What a doll baby..;)

Im glad Maddy is doing guys are very blessed..:)

YAY! for Disney...I made my Dec reservations on the way home monday because I already missed it..LOL

Love you!