Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Maddy's 1 Month Wellcheck.

Well, my little peanut had her one month well check visit today... and she's growing!!! Not that I doubted that... but she's grown an inch now placing her in the 25% for height, 25% for head, but 50% for weight! She's up to 9 lbs 2 oz already... I can't believe she's already 9 lbs! So crazy. My growing lady bug is getting all kinds of cute little rolls all over her arms and legs, and she's even got a bit of a double chin now! LOL I need to take some pictures of her tomorrow.

I'm headed to a BF class tomorrow, should be interesting, they weigh the baby, then we nurse, then they weigh them again to see how much they ate during that feeding. I'm curious to see how much Maddy's gained... BUT I still suppliment during the day after each feeding and I admit I'll be embarassed to pull out a bottle at a BF class. LOL So I hope Maddy can hold off until we leave. I'll let her nurse as long as she wants but I won't pull out that bottle until we get home. LOL

Anyway, just wanted to update! Little Miss is doing well! I'll post more pictures soon! :)


K said...

Good luck. Those BF classes scare the dickens out of me. After all I'm not *really* BFing. <:(

But yay for weight gain! You must be doing something right!

Jessica Clemmons said...

Ooooh Krystyna... girl you took BF too a whole new level sweetie... there's now way I could do what you've done and are still doing. Bless your heart girl you are a woman amoung women!!! I'd give a swift kick in the teeth to anyone who would ever say that you're not *really* BF'ing. Hmph.