Monday, March 24, 2008

3 1/2 weeks already?!

Dear Lord this is passing so quick! AHHH! My baby girl is getting so wonderfully big... and yet she's still such a peanut! She still has the baby curl... that sweet back arching, knee pulling, curling themselves into a ball every time you pick them up. I adore it.

We're pretty much functioning just fine as a family of four - though it still seems weird at times... thinking that just a couple weeks ago I was biting my nails in aticipation for her arrival - and now nearly a month later it feels like she's always been here!

Our Easter was crazy, I had to be up at 5 to be at church by 7 - and didn't leave until almost 1:30 - I was sooooo tired. Three services and 30 babies later with just a handful of volunteers and I was yawning my head off, tummy grumbling and I desperately needed a nap. lol BUT After church we went over to Linda's and she spoiled me (us). We had a delicious ham dinner with these amazing cherry cheesecake chocolate chip cookie dessert thingies. I followed it up with nursing maddy and then passed out for an hour on her sofa. Bliss. ;) Woke up, cuddled with Maddy for a couple hours and we all watched Hook on TV. It turned out to be a very relaxing afternoon... which I was very thankful for.

Elizabeth scored 3 easter baskets this year! Woot! Nanny filled hers with summer socks, flower goggles, color wonder coloring books, bunny play dough, and some other goodies. Grammy got Liz two outfits, a color wonder coloring book and a chalk board table. Mommy and Daddy (and the Easter Bunny) got Lizzy some new froggy rain boots, snow white sunglasses, a float for the pool, princess bubble bath and some princess sippy cups. :) All in all I'd say she hit the jackpot this weekend. LOL Maddy got a new bunny, some clothes and a piece of chocolate from Uncle Bryan which mommy sneaked. :P

OH! And I found some new outfits for the girls for our Disney Trip - SO CUTE! They're Minnie Mouse and just precious. I can't wait to see them in their new clothes on our trip! Yes, I'm that goofy mom who thinks it's fun to buy new tennis shoes and clothes for my kids on vacation. LOL So I'm stocking up Maddy and Lizzy. I can't wait!!! 43 days until we leave. :D

Hmmm... other news? Well, I started training for the WDW half marathon next January! I'm not sure that I'll actually make it TO the marathon - but some other girls in my small group and I decided we'd give it a good try! Right now we're starting off at just 30 minutes on monday, 45 on wed and thursday and an hour on Saturday - and then working our way up over the next 10 weeks. Our goal is by week 10 to be able to run 180 minutes at aprox a 10-12 minute mile. Which translates to aprox 15+ miles. Obviously we're in no rush- we just want to be able to finish.. 13 miles baby. :D I can't wait! I've never been much of a runner but I love the idea of getting my butt into shape with my girlfriends and having Disney in January to look forward too! :D It'll be a great time I'm sure. :)

So anyways, life with two girls is busy, (which can be seen by me severe decline in posting updates.. sorry!) but wonderful. Lizzy is talking up a storm now, very rarely does she have trouble communicating something. For the most part she tells us what she wants, when she wants it and to hurry up if we're going too slow for her taste. Ha. My 2 y/o is a budding hormonal preteen most days, full of drama and suprises. But so funny to watch.


K said...

Can't wait to see pics of them in their matching Easter dresses!

Glad things are going well - Can't wait to see you guys in Disney!

Unknown said...

So glad to hear all is well.

Hey, did you get the package I sent?

Jessica Clemmons said...

AH! Nibbs, didn't you get my text on Friday?! I'm sorry girly! Yes I received it and it is completely adorable! Maddy wore the bunny slippers yesterday afternoon and it was SO darn cute! I need to update my blog with the last couple mail gifts we got... in case you didn't get my text, I said a big big thank you!!! :D Love you girly! Oh- btw... I can't find your email... can you resend it to me?

Unknown said...

I sent you a email...hope I have the right address. lol!

Vince said...

When are you going to WDW?

Dana said...

Aww..YAy for Disney..Wish I could go too..When are the dates?..;)

Glad they had a great Easter and I have been running also every niht at the gym..LOVE it!..I can do a 12 minute mile and I am doing the Breast Cancer awareness run in october here..:)

Kisses for you all..Love you!

jrs71985 said...

Can't wait to see pictures!!

Rats, I'm missing you guys by about 10 days. =(