Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I'm back!

So I sort of fell off the face of the earth there for a ... well... a whole year, but hey. I'm back. It's been 1 year since I updated, life is crazy as ever. Liz turned 4 and started looking forward to her 5th birthday on August 30. Maddy just turned 2 a couple weeks ago, we didn't do a big party for her this year. However she had a great birthday with Linda & the boys on the Saturday before her birthday & another party with my side of the family on Sunday. Needless to say she was spoiled rotten. I'm not really used to this leap day birthday thing yet. It didn't really feel like she had a birthday this year. We celebrated on the 28th as the official day but it wasn't a trip down memory lane like it always is with Lizzy's birthdays. I guess I'll have to get it through my head that its the years that count, not just the actual day.

Anyway! Maddy is up to 26.5 lbs & Liz is right at 42 lbs. The girls are the best of friends and yet the fight every day... usually a half dozen knock down drag out fights a day... but they always hug and make up after them. It's kind of funny actually. Madeline is almost potty trained! I'm SO excited about that. She is doing so great, wakes up dry & has no problem going on command. She is a strange child in that she loves to be naked & play in her poop... not just once, but several times... every week. It's nuts. So we're learning to make her sit on the potty every day before nap time until she poo's in the potty then we're clear for the day. If however she's just not ready to go we inevitably have to clean up a big mess after nap time as she'll go, then quietly decorate her crib with it, then fall asleep and when she wakes up it's dried and nasty. Lots of fun times for mama.

I should be posting some new pics of Madeline here soon! I'm hoping to get her 2 year old pictures taken in the next week or so. I've got some cute idea's for some fun pics. And yes, I'll probably have Liz's taken at the same time... I love sister shots.

So that's it for now. I'll try to check in soon & not leave my blog sadly hanging for another year! :)

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