Friday, August 3, 2007

Weekend Away

So I've got a ton of packing, laundry, and things to get ready for... we're headed to Raleigh for the weekend for my friends baby shower. Should be fun! We're staying at the Embassy Suites, so I'm looking forward to not having to cook for a few days, hanging out at the pool and getting to see Laura and JR.

Anyway, no new pregnancy updates... other than I was sick most all of this week. Fun times. Lizzy's been such a little trooper... she doesn't mind staying at home with mommy. We spend alot of mornings laying on the playroom floor reading or playing with her blocks. She's such an angel about it all. She'll sit quietly beside me with our disney music playing while I lay down on the floor and try to keep myself away from the bathroom as long as possible.

So that's that. I'll add another belly shot this weekend... I'm looking more and more pregnant as the days go by, despite my best efforts not to gain a thing right now. Apparently my body holds on to everything. Including the many gallons of water I drink daily. So that's it for now... I'll try to post some pics on Monday. :)


Dana said...

Hope you have a great relaxing weekend..:)

Lizzy is awesome...such a sweetie..:)

Im sure you look beautiful..:)..Hope you feel great all weekend..and you guys be safe.

Love you ..:)

K said...

Have a great weekend! Sounds like fun!

I'm sure you look fantastic, and like you told me, don't worry about what you gain! It'll all be worth it in the end, right?