Monday, August 27, 2007

My Hero!

Ok seriously guys... I have a new hero. This lady is SO funny. First read this:

Then go read her blog:

My gosh! I adore her. Simply adore her. Because of that ebay auction - and a few other auctions - she is a MASS success! How fun! She has 6 kids... and is insane. And completely hilarious. And she really brings home that you have to find the humor in your home for it to be successful. I love it.

I hope she makes millions... and she just very well might... she's got offers from tons of companies right now... (I say hold out for Disney!) :P Who knows where she'll go, but it's so fun... all because of an ebay listing.

My new hero. A SAHM with 6 kids just reliving her daily moments for all of our enjoyment. Go girl!

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