Saturday, July 28, 2007


Ok girls. I've been thinking of cutting off all my hair. I found a really cute bob cut that I'm in love with... it's soooo short though! And I just finally grew my hair out! AHHH! I hate this struggle!

Pro's for Cutting: I wear my hair up all the time. I rarely actually do anything other than a ponytail, so what's the point of having long hair when it's up all the time? Also, I love how classy short cuts look. I tend to look like a little kid with long hair. And if it's short, it'll force me to do something with it, not being able to put it in a pony tail. LOL So then my hair would actually be done more often.

Con's for Cutting: It's taken me 3 years to grow it out. And it's just barely the length I've always wanted. 3 years is a looooong time. If I cut it, I have to do it. And I'm a pregnant mom with a busy toddler... I have a hard time doing laundry let alone my hair. I'm nervous that I'll resort to hats if it takes too long to do.

Help! Here's a pic of what I like...
I'm obviously no Katie Holmes... but scroll forwards and look at these pics and tell me what you think... do you think I could pull off a short cut like this?,,20005730_20069837,00.html

Do you think it'd be hard to style? It looks pretty easy... and I love the look - it's just below the chin - and you can roll it under or out and it looks cute...

I'm thinking... Hmmmmmmmmm...


Dana said...

I like it..I am trying to picture it on you..

I think it looks good though...:)

K said...

I'm the last person to give out hair advice... So I won't. ;P Sorry I'm not much help on the hair front, but I do have help on another front!

Go here:

There's an AWESOME coupon on the bottom for baby food. Generate as many as you have room to store and get thee to a Target. I made a KILLING. Pic to come on my blog. Just wanted to pass that along!