Saturday, July 7, 2007

Military morning?

This was an exhausting morning... and it hasn't stopped yet.

We woke up at 8 and took our time getting ready, headed out about 9:30 to go to Donut Connection where Lizzy and I split a powdered donut and a maple one! YUMMY! That's a treat we haven't done in months! Daddy ate all chocolate ones. LOL Typical daddy. After that we drove down to the old Naval Base... now renamed Riverfront Park. We drove around for about 30 minutes just looking at all the old houses that now sit abandoned. It's so sad, you can just imagine the old topless jeeps of the 40's and 50's running around the base, with the officers houses being these gigantic old antebellum water front properties with gorgeous two story porches and a beautiful piazza to entertain on. While the families of the lower level Navy guys (I am so not up to date on my military titles) lived in the smaller homes, and the young guys just out of high school who wanted to go fight in the war lived in the old barracks. They were these beautiful old buildings with spanish tile... but the eerie part of all this was that it looks like they just picked up and left one day. Indeed the governement shut down the naval base... and now looks like a ghost town.

So anyway, enough of that rambling. The new project is to restore everything - so it was fun driving down Navy Blvd. and picturing what it was 50 years ago, and what it will be in another 10 or so. After our trip down history lane, we walked along the boardwalk to the childrens area where my girly had a TON of fun. She loved all the new playground things. You can visit here for pictures from today.

After that we were all wore out, the Charleston heat really took it out of us so we headed home, tired but happy. It's nice getting to spend the morning together as a family.

When we got home we put Lizzy straight to bed, it was about noon and she usually doesn't eat lunch until 1, not to mention she had a big breakfast of donuts keeping her little belly full! Well, she wasn't ready to nap. So she cried off and on for an hour. *bangs head* Then I finally got her up and made her lunch. She crammed her hot dog down her throat acting as if she hadn't eaten in years. Eating an entire hot dog in under 2 mintues. Seriously. (Cut into small pieces of course.) LOL Anyway... then she said she was tired. So back to bed. Now what's she doing? Jumping on her bed, wide awake.

I am so tired I feel like I could just fall over. I can't handle this not napping thing. She has got to start napping again! It's killing me! I'm soooooooooooooooo sleepy!!!

So that's that. I'm going to try to lay down. I hate this tired cranky phase of pregnancy. Bring on the second trimester! Then I'm full of energy! Starting to show! And ready to take on the world. (And by that I mean paint every room in my house... probably twice.) Anyway, bye for now. :)

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