Wednesday, July 18, 2007


GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. *sigh* Ever have one of those days that you look back on and say I seriously should have just stayed in bed today. Yep. Today was one of those days for me. I've been praying that the drama in my family concerning the last year was coming to a close, and up until yesterday I thought it was. Then I woke up this morning. And the lawyer from hell started causing all sorts of drama. I won't go into details, but let's just say that once again, Jay and I look like the black sheep in the family. I swear. No matter how hard we try... it's always something. Someone is going to say something, and of course people believed the lawyer. Right up until we caught him in a bold face lie. UGH. But we still came off looking like idiots, when in reality he's so desperate for money he raised all kinds of hell to try and get paid early. Jerk. It's pretty much settled now, but this entire day never needed to happen. And that pisses me off. UGH.

Anyway. Yesterday I was sitting here thinking, man life is pretty good right now - I wonder what's going to go wrong? As something always does when you think life is going well. And now here we are. *sigh* Well anyways. Enough of that.

I found out yesterday that one of my friends is 6 weeks pregnant! She's due exactly 1 week after me. So that's very exciting. We're not really close, but it'll be nice having another pregnant friend close by. :)

And I'm praying hard that everything works out for my sister right now. Her and her husband have a big opportunity facing them, and I just want it all to work out perfectly for them! I'd love for her to get pregnant soon... (if this works out they're going to start trying!) That would just bless my heart like you can't imagine. They deserve good things in life... so good thoughts and prayers her way. :)

And it's 6pm and my husband just came home from a long day and is outside edging and mowing our yard. LOL What a guy. I'm a lucky girl to have him. I'm grateful this year has changed us both enough to learn what respect and love really mean. I'll be forever grateful for that, it's allowed us to find out what a marriage was truly supposed to be.

Ooooh yeah. I broke my toe yesterday. OOOOOUCH! I was running outside to grab something off the back porch and ran right into one of the legs of our metal lounge chairs on the back porch. It hurts like bloody heck today.

So this has been a very random post. LOL Sorry for the many different subjects. I just needed to vent. I think I'll go get the mail and make my hubby some lemonade. Night!


Dana said...

Sorry for all the dram a sweetie..Im glad it got taken care of..
I am praying for your sister..:)

Ouch for your toe..and do not run!

YAY for Jay...we are both lucky girls...and they are pretty lucky themselves.;).love you!

K said...


Hopefully today will be better!