Saturday, July 28, 2007


Ok girls. I've been thinking of cutting off all my hair. I found a really cute bob cut that I'm in love with... it's soooo short though! And I just finally grew my hair out! AHHH! I hate this struggle!

Pro's for Cutting: I wear my hair up all the time. I rarely actually do anything other than a ponytail, so what's the point of having long hair when it's up all the time? Also, I love how classy short cuts look. I tend to look like a little kid with long hair. And if it's short, it'll force me to do something with it, not being able to put it in a pony tail. LOL So then my hair would actually be done more often.

Con's for Cutting: It's taken me 3 years to grow it out. And it's just barely the length I've always wanted. 3 years is a looooong time. If I cut it, I have to do it. And I'm a pregnant mom with a busy toddler... I have a hard time doing laundry let alone my hair. I'm nervous that I'll resort to hats if it takes too long to do.

Help! Here's a pic of what I like...
I'm obviously no Katie Holmes... but scroll forwards and look at these pics and tell me what you think... do you think I could pull off a short cut like this?,,20005730_20069837,00.html

Do you think it'd be hard to style? It looks pretty easy... and I love the look - it's just below the chin - and you can roll it under or out and it looks cute...

I'm thinking... Hmmmmmmmmm...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Another Picture...

Ok, picture of week 8. It's a horrid shot, but at least you can see my growing tummy! :)

Yesterday was a horrible day. Not pregnancy wise, it was all family drama. The worst sort. The kind of drama that makes you bury your face in your pillow and sob. I hate that. Makes me want to move far far away. It actually scared me. I cried so hard last night that I started cramping really bad and I almost threw up. Not good for the baby. Eventually I calmed down, but I had horrible dreams last night. So today Lizzy and I stayed home and just spent some time together today, her and I. We played games and colored and I ignored my phone all day long. Eventually this will all blow over, but I really get tired of people making me feel like I'm not good enough, or that I'm second rate to other members of my family. It hurts. I look at my Lizzy and can't imagine ever slamming a door in her face out of anger... walking away from her when she's sharing her heart. Nagging her so much that she finally has to look at me and say "Seriously. You need to stop." To do that to her would be awful, and I hope and pray I have enough self control to never do that to my daughter. My oldest and beloved baby girl.

Anyway... 31 1/2 weeks to go!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Birthday Planning

So this week is passing at a crazy speed. (Love it when that happens) I've started planning Lizzy's birthday party this week. Lots of fun.

Here's the theme:

And we just reserved a jump castle for her. Here's the one we got:

I'm having lots of fun putting it all together. I can't decide between a burger bar or bbq shredded pork. Either will be yummy, I just want to do whatever's easier. As much as I love the idea of the burger bar... I'm leaning towards the BBQ... mainly because we can cook it in the stove in the event of rain - whereas burgers are just never as good when cooked inside.

I can't wait to order her cake. I have to wait to get the party supplies in the mail first (I had to order them b/c our Toys R Us is tiny and didn't carry them in the store.) So then i can take a napkin in and have them make something cute on her cake...

I can't believe my baby is going to be 2!!! That is so crazy! She's growing up so much, definately hitting her two year old silly phase. She loves showing off for everyone and being as goofy as she can. And she is officially out of highchairs. Even in restaurants, we now do boosters. She loves sitting her in "big girl seat" LOL So cute.

So anyway, new baby's taking a backburner while Lizzy's getting one last big blowout of a birthday with all the attention on her. ;) (I know full well from being the oldest myself, that birthdays will never again be totally about her once she has a sibling. LOL) But that's ok. Lizzy is going to be such a great big sister. But for now, she's my baby. And I'm having fun just enjoying her as such.

Ok on to the pregnancy updates. I'm over 8 weeks now, and my favorite part of that is knowing that in just a few weeks I'm not going to feel so crappy all the time!!! Wheeeeeee!!!! Have I mentioned that I'm rather anxious for the first trimester to be over? LOL Maybe I'm in for a suprise, but I'm hoping that I get some of my energy back with the next trimester, like I did last time around. I miss being able to get kiddo up early and go out and about all day. Right now I can only escape from the house for about an hour or so at a time before I'm completely exhausted. I think I nap more than Lizzy right now. And that's saying something as she's a great sleeper! Poor Jay hasn't seen hide nor tail of his wife in weeks now... everytime he comes home I hand him Lizzy and pass out on the sofa. Even now, I just got up 3 hours ago and I'm already yawning. Geez. But Lizzy's been an angel through all this, she loves her playroom with her blocks and books - and as often as I can, I'll shut the two of us in her playroom and I'll read to her and then lay down on the floor next to her and nap while she plays next to me with her blocks and dollies. She never lets me sleep for long, but it's those 5 minutes of shut eye that get me through my day. ;)

So that's about it for now. We have several big projects we want to finish before Lizzy's birthday. We're trying to set a goal of one a week... we shall see how that goes. Either way, the planning for her big day is keeping me occupied and gives me something to do on these long days at home. I guess I need to do a belly shot soon. I'm definately starting to show now. UGH. Last pregnancy I didn't show until close to 5 months! This time around I'm barely over 2!!! AHHH! Well anyway, new pic to come soon.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. *sigh* Ever have one of those days that you look back on and say I seriously should have just stayed in bed today. Yep. Today was one of those days for me. I've been praying that the drama in my family concerning the last year was coming to a close, and up until yesterday I thought it was. Then I woke up this morning. And the lawyer from hell started causing all sorts of drama. I won't go into details, but let's just say that once again, Jay and I look like the black sheep in the family. I swear. No matter how hard we try... it's always something. Someone is going to say something, and of course people believed the lawyer. Right up until we caught him in a bold face lie. UGH. But we still came off looking like idiots, when in reality he's so desperate for money he raised all kinds of hell to try and get paid early. Jerk. It's pretty much settled now, but this entire day never needed to happen. And that pisses me off. UGH.

Anyway. Yesterday I was sitting here thinking, man life is pretty good right now - I wonder what's going to go wrong? As something always does when you think life is going well. And now here we are. *sigh* Well anyways. Enough of that.

I found out yesterday that one of my friends is 6 weeks pregnant! She's due exactly 1 week after me. So that's very exciting. We're not really close, but it'll be nice having another pregnant friend close by. :)

And I'm praying hard that everything works out for my sister right now. Her and her husband have a big opportunity facing them, and I just want it all to work out perfectly for them! I'd love for her to get pregnant soon... (if this works out they're going to start trying!) That would just bless my heart like you can't imagine. They deserve good things in life... so good thoughts and prayers her way. :)

And it's 6pm and my husband just came home from a long day and is outside edging and mowing our yard. LOL What a guy. I'm a lucky girl to have him. I'm grateful this year has changed us both enough to learn what respect and love really mean. I'll be forever grateful for that, it's allowed us to find out what a marriage was truly supposed to be.

Ooooh yeah. I broke my toe yesterday. OOOOOUCH! I was running outside to grab something off the back porch and ran right into one of the legs of our metal lounge chairs on the back porch. It hurts like bloody heck today.

So this has been a very random post. LOL Sorry for the many different subjects. I just needed to vent. I think I'll go get the mail and make my hubby some lemonade. Night!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday Mania

So it's Monday. I'm 7 weeks and 1 day! And I had a most lifelike dream last night. CRAZY. I won't say what the sex was in case I'm wrong - but I dreamed that the baby was already here and I could see their face, smell that downy head and we were cuddling in my dream. When I woke up - I really thought I would roll over and see a baby next to me. But alas. I still have 7 months and a week. Bummer. LOL But I was amazed at how life like my dream was. I never had anything like that with Lizzy.

Anyway. So that was odd.

Yesterday was a bit crazy. I woke up feeling really sick, but since I had to cover for the nusery director and I had to be at church at 7:30, I had to push through. Well... apparently that was a bit early for my system. I got sick in the shower and almost passed out, so Jay decided he didn't want me driving. He and lizzy got up and ready and we were only 15 minutes late. However... the whole way there I thought I would be sick again. I was feeling pretty rough, but apparently not as bad as a few other people. One of our tech guys passed out before the first service started and we had to call 911. He was diabetic. Then during the second service one of my toddlers mom passed out. GOOD GRIEF! It was insane. She had low blood sugar and passed out in the hall, then her son saw her husband running by the toddler room and started crying, so then she's half awake and half out of it and starts getting upset because she can hear her son crying... UGH It was a big ol mess. Finally we got her off to the hospital.

Anyway so that was far more adventure than I care to see in church. Last night we had dinner with mama and daddy. Always a good time. Lizzy swam with Nanie and Pawpaw. Lizzy is really getting to be a good swimmer!!! She has her little arm floats and will swim all around the pool. It's super cute. I've gotta watch her like a hawk though. She is not scared of the water at all.

And so here we are today. It's about 11:30, and my girl has started throwing her cup at me when she wants more. Um, yeah, NO. So she's in time out right now for hitting me in the head with her sippy cup. Toddler times, fun stuff. I love my girl to pieces but this independant streak is going to kill me.

That's all for now. :)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

So It's Been A Week

So it's been a week. Nothing new to report. I'll be officially 7 weeks tomorrow! That's exciting!!! I felt pretty yucky the last few days. Nothing major, just exhausted and my stomach refuses to settle. But aside from that we had a fun week. Spent some time helping Nanie get ready for their camping trip this weekend! We miss them... but they'll be home tomorrow.

We also went to see HP5 on Wednesday! First showing of the day at the Imax - 3D!!! That was impressive! Loved the movie. I feel that they finally did the book some justice. All in all I'd like to see it again soon. (After Knocked up, and about 30 other movies I want to see - but probably won't until they go to rentals. LOL)

Hmmm what else? I just got something monogrammed for Laura's baby! (Well, and laura. LOL) It's sooooo cute. Can't wait for her shower on August 4th! I think we might make a weekend of it and the three of us (should I say 4 yet?) go to Raleigh.

Oh Oh Oh!!! I have grass!!!! hahah. No seriously. We've been struggling with our yard since March trying to get it to grow grass. The people that owned the house before us let it go... for over 3 years! Soo it was a mess of weeds. We tried everything from killing the weeds. (didn't work) to just planting grass... (still didn't work) So Jay finally tilled up 3/4 of the front yard and about 1/3 of the back yard - and then we planted new seed. And it worked! So I've been enjoying my new lawn this week. Such a little thing, but it's soooo nice! The front isn't as thick yet as the back, but the backyard actually looks like a yard! And not just a spotty lawn with dirt holes everywhere! YAY! And we've got several watermelon almost big enough to pick. YUMMY. Can't wait for those. The canteloupe should be along within the next few weeks... and what all this has to do with being pregnant I have no idea. I'm just excited so I thought I'd share.

Annnnywho! I bought some new belly shirts this week, and have had fun wearing them. Nothing too pregnant looking. (I actually bought them from the Junior's section not the maternity section. LOL) So they're stylish, but have enough room that my little tiny bump has room to grow!

So that's all for now, tomorrow is going to be a long day but I'll post again soon. :)

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Crazy Sundays

So last night we went to Taylor and Katies engagment party... the party started around 8 and we had Lizzy with us. So we figured we'd stay for an hour or so and then head home when she got fussy. Turns out she's a night owl. We didn't end up leaving to 11:45 and she was still going strong, having a grand ol' time. She made friends with everyone, pulled her uncles and their friends out on to the dance floor and proceeded to boogie down giving everyone a good laugh, meanwhile running back and forth to the food table alternately eating shrimp cocktail and strawberries. LOL She is crazy. The only big problem was that she didn't sleep well at all last night. I think she overstimulated herself because she woke up at 1:30 and 3:30 crying hard.

And to top all that off... Mommy had to be up at the crack of dawn this morning. Today I had to shadow the nusery director for the toddlers and infant classrooms. I'm covering for her next week, and they just offered me a job, so next week is my trial to see how I like it. I have to be there at 7:30 to set up - stay for both services and then clean up the toddler and baby rooms getting to leave around 1 pm or so. Makes for a long Sunday, but it pays. And we could use a little extra. I don't know though. I'm thinking hard about it. Being pregnant I can't lift alot of things that have to be moved in the morning before I can set up (such as weight lifting equiment) but they have helpers to unload the trucks, so I guess I'd just have to set up the flooring and changing area's, get all the toys out and such. That part doesn't seem to hard. It's more that Sunday is our family day. Jay sometimes works on Saturdays, so Sunday's always been the one day a week we reserve for just us. We always go out to lunch together and then try to do something fun with Lizzy... so I'd be cutting out alot of that because I wouldn't be done until right at Lizzy's nap time, which knocks out most of the day.

Anyway, it's a toss up. Next week I'll be doing the whole thing whereas this morning I just shadowed and worked my regular class plus the 11:30 service too. Nothing too big.

We celebrated my little brother's birthday tonight! He's 19!!! Crazy. He's headed off to college in a couple weeks, Southeastern in FL. I'm excited for him. We went to Fonduly Yours for dinner toinght. And I have to say I'm still not a fan of that restaurant. LOL Sorry mom and dad. I know y'all love it. But I got so nervous with Lizzy around the hot burners, not to mention I was afraid to order meat b/c undercooked meat is such a big no no while pregnant. So I had the veggie's. But deep friend veggies? Weird. It tasted great - and my favorite part was the cheese fondue appetizer. YUMMY. But Idk... something about that place just doesn't sit well. Daddy treated... So nice!!! but that place is so expensive for what you get! I guess it's the experience that people love. I just feel if I'm going to pay $17 for an entree, somebody better be cooking it instead of me. LOL Oh well. I love spending time with my family that's all that counts.

So anyway, I'm sleepy. (Suprise suprise) Another long day... heading into a long week. No new symptoms today. I'm not sure I would have noticed them anyways... I was too busy running around. But, I'm now officially 6 weeks! And a day... but that means if I'm going to get any sort of serious M/S it'll happen soon. I'm hoping I won't have it too bad... which will probably mean another girl for us! Yay!!!! (it's in my family... no sickness with girls, flat on your back sick with boys.) We'll see if I follow suit!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Pictures of WHAT?!

I've also decided that this pregnancy I'm going to take belly pics. Last pregnancy I didn't take a single picture, I hated gaining weight. Hopefully this time around I won't gain as much and won't mind the pics. I figure, now that I know I can lose it all later... might as well catch that tummy growing. :) So I started with a picture of Lizzy and I at the park. It's the closest thing to a belly shot that i have. And let's face it - this early I really shouldn't be showing yet anyways. :P I do have a small bump.., but that's mostly because my tummy has been VERY sensitive this pregnancy... so I try to keep relaxed. Anyways, I'll update them every now and then.

Military morning?

This was an exhausting morning... and it hasn't stopped yet.

We woke up at 8 and took our time getting ready, headed out about 9:30 to go to Donut Connection where Lizzy and I split a powdered donut and a maple one! YUMMY! That's a treat we haven't done in months! Daddy ate all chocolate ones. LOL Typical daddy. After that we drove down to the old Naval Base... now renamed Riverfront Park. We drove around for about 30 minutes just looking at all the old houses that now sit abandoned. It's so sad, you can just imagine the old topless jeeps of the 40's and 50's running around the base, with the officers houses being these gigantic old antebellum water front properties with gorgeous two story porches and a beautiful piazza to entertain on. While the families of the lower level Navy guys (I am so not up to date on my military titles) lived in the smaller homes, and the young guys just out of high school who wanted to go fight in the war lived in the old barracks. They were these beautiful old buildings with spanish tile... but the eerie part of all this was that it looks like they just picked up and left one day. Indeed the governement shut down the naval base... and now looks like a ghost town.

So anyway, enough of that rambling. The new project is to restore everything - so it was fun driving down Navy Blvd. and picturing what it was 50 years ago, and what it will be in another 10 or so. After our trip down history lane, we walked along the boardwalk to the childrens area where my girly had a TON of fun. She loved all the new playground things. You can visit here for pictures from today.

After that we were all wore out, the Charleston heat really took it out of us so we headed home, tired but happy. It's nice getting to spend the morning together as a family.

When we got home we put Lizzy straight to bed, it was about noon and she usually doesn't eat lunch until 1, not to mention she had a big breakfast of donuts keeping her little belly full! Well, she wasn't ready to nap. So she cried off and on for an hour. *bangs head* Then I finally got her up and made her lunch. She crammed her hot dog down her throat acting as if she hadn't eaten in years. Eating an entire hot dog in under 2 mintues. Seriously. (Cut into small pieces of course.) LOL Anyway... then she said she was tired. So back to bed. Now what's she doing? Jumping on her bed, wide awake.

I am so tired I feel like I could just fall over. I can't handle this not napping thing. She has got to start napping again! It's killing me! I'm soooooooooooooooo sleepy!!!

So that's that. I'm going to try to lay down. I hate this tired cranky phase of pregnancy. Bring on the second trimester! Then I'm full of energy! Starting to show! And ready to take on the world. (And by that I mean paint every room in my house... probably twice.) Anyway, bye for now. :)

Friday, July 6, 2007

The first of many...

So this is my first post in my shiny new blog. I decided that since I've already got pregnancy brain I should really put my thoughts down somewhere so that I can look back and reflect. For those of you that read this... I apologize now if I don't post much... blame it on that pregnancy brain, or you can blame it on having a toddler. Either way... I'll give it a shot.

We found out we are pregnant! We actually found out on the June 22. But we decided to wait a bit to share the good news with everyone. Well here it is July 6th and pretty much anyone that we wanted to know... knows. LOL So much for waiting.

I'm 5 1/2 weeks along. And I'm already exhausted. I could seriously sleep all day. But I think that only partly has to do with the pregnancy. Lizzy's teething her two year old molars right now, so she hasn't napped in 3 days and has been fairly grumpy for the last few days not to mention she's been getting up around 7 in the morning. Which is WAY too early for me. So anyway, I'm pooped.

I haven't had too much morning sickness yet. One rather nasty day where I spent about 4 hours in the bathroom sick to my stomach. But since then it's just been random moments of dizziness.

Anyway. I've picked out our double stroller.

I love that you can turn it so many ways. The babies can face each other, face away from each other, both face forward, both face backwards... lol it's awesome. AND it's lightweight compared to the heavy graco's.

Annnyway. Other than that, and we'll probably pick out some new bedding for the baby. Lizzy's sea life bedding is all worn out and nasty it's been washed sooo many times. So we figured since we don't have to buy many new things for this one - bedding is ok. Every new baby deserves to come home to something new and soft. :)

So that's pretty much it for now. We won't be able to find out the sex for another 3 months. So that makes shopping hard. I'm pretty set if we have another girl, but if he's a boy I've got alot of shopping to do. LOL

I did purchase my first new baby things the other day. I wanted to do some shopping for Krystyna's new baby so I picked up some PJ's for Krystyna's baby, our new baby, Laura's baby, and Lizzy. I went PJ crazy. Seriously. I bought 6 pairs for Lizzy. LOL One pair for our new baby, very coed. They're orange with little green palm trees. Cuteness. I also bought one 4 oz Doc Browns baby bottle. (I only saved one of Lizzy's the rest were nasty.) And some yellow and green washclothes.

So that was my big baby purchase. I had fun. I can't believe I still have to wait 7 1/2 months to meet this little person! And yet I'm glad it's a ways off. We still have to build our addition onto the house this fall. And part of the addition is the new nusery. So I'm glad we have some time to work on all that. So that's that. I'll write more soon.