Monday, May 5, 2008

So excited!

What a fun week we've had! My cousins came into town on Thursday and we got to spend most of the weekend playing, swimming and cooking out with them! Love it! AND we leave for our vacation tomorrow!!! So fun!

Madeline had her 2 month well check this week... along with 5 shots - YUCK. Poor kiddo barely cried though - my little trooper! She's up to 10 lbs 11 oz now! Still looks petite though as she's in the 90th percentile for height and in the 50th for weight. Cutie pie is growing into all her 3 month sleepers at a whopping 24 inches!!! Baby Jack is 8 weeks younger but is keeping pace nicely - he's almost 10 lbs already and side by side they look about the same size! His sweet hands and feet are more boy like though, wider and chubbier while Madeline's hands are delicate and her fingers are long. They're adorable together. Its so fun having babies with my sister! It's great to just sit around together and rock our little people and talk about how fast they're growing... so sweet. It's so special to share this with my sis. She's such an awesome mommy! She already looks like her old self, so not fair! 

So this has been a crazy crazy week! I've had a blast with my cousins - but I admit I am ready for a vacation! (Not from them, if I could I'd stuff them in my suitcase and bring the whole lot of them! I don't get to see them nearly enough...) But we do need a vacation - Business is out of control, thank God! But being so busy takes it's toll on Jay and I. I'll have a gazillion pictures when we get back... I already have about 100 I need to upload and I'm not sure I'll have time before I go - so it may be a couple weeks before I have another update. We get back on the 18th. My birthday is the 12th and we'll be eating at the Whispering Canyon! We're spending mother's day with my MIL and BIL at 1900 Park Fare and walking the Boardwalk, so it should be a great day as well! Looking forward to updating y'all when we get back!

Pray for safe travels and that no one get's hurt or sick while we're gone... a smooth noneventful vacation is what we desperately desire!

Love you all! See you in a couple weeks! :D


K said...

Been thinking of you... Hope your trip is fantastic!!

Pictures!! NEED pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

Aww..YAY for a great week and have an AMAZING time..:)

I know you will.:)

Kiss those pretty girls for me and tell Mickey Maggie says hi..:)

Love you and Happy Happy Birthday my dear..I LOVE YOU!

Unknown said...

I know you're gone already...but have an absolutely wonderful trip! And Happy Birthday!