Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What to say?

Y'all crack me up! I go for a week without posting and my email gets flooded with requests for more updates. Lol I love you guys too. ;)

The big news for the week?! I'm an aunt! Jack Bradford Singleton Joined the world late Saturday night making me the proud aunt to the most handsome nephew ever!!! Weighing in at 9 lbs 2 oz he's nearly the same size as Madeline! He is sooo handsome! Beautiful blue eyes and lots of blond hair! What a sweetie pie! Jack is most happy on his mommy's chest sleeping but he seemed to like his aunt Jessie too. Lol anyways that was by far the highlight of my week!

In other news Madeline is smiling and talking a lot now. She has a Minnie mouse rattle on her carseat that makes her giggle and laugh. I love her sweet laugh. It's so soft and just precious to hear. She's still sleeping well and nursing like a champ. I still suppliment too though as I'm lazy and like the feedom of whipping out a bottle in public instead of trying to find somewhere to feed her in private. But on the whole I stick with nursing. She's getting so big! I can't wait to see what she weighs next week at her two month visit! 2 months! Ahh! So crazy!

Well that's all for now. I need to take some more pictures of the girls together! And I'll get some good ones of baby jack to post too!


Unknown said...

So glad to hear all is well!!!

Unknown said...

Ok...it's May now...8 days...no new update.

*taps foot impatiently* lol!