Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Almost Ready!

Thought I'd post a mini update before we leave. Jay decided last night that he wanted to replace the brakes on my car before we left. So after we get home... At 11 PM... He takes my car apart only to find out at 1:30 in the morning that the parts store gave him the wrong parts. Nice! So he got up at 7 this morning and is still working on them. Then (because he's a wee bit OCD) he wants to go do 2 more bids before we leave. So! We probably won't leave Charleston until noon'ish putting us checking in around 6:30 or 7 as we'll be hitting Orlando traffic. Wish me luck! Driving with Lizzy at nap time will be a great adventure. Lol oh well she's running around the house trying to pack every Minnie she owns into her backpack. I'm letting her bring her 3 favorites but each time I walk by her room I see her stuffing one more in the bag. And how cute is this? She *had* to pack all three of her Bible's this morning. Crack me up. My funny kiddo.

So anyway! Just wanted to update. I might bring my laptop along so I can upload pictures. Maybe...

Catch up with y'all soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope ya'll have fun! I am completely jealous that you are going to Disney World, haha! We have to get together when you get back!