Friday, August 17, 2007

Baby's Movin!

So I've started feeling the baby now! Over the last few day's it started as sporadic and has slowly become more often, and obvious. This is exciting! I'm already to have my prebaby body back though. I'm just not cut out for maternity clothes... lol nothing fit's right.

Anyway, that's what's new on the baby2 front. Today was lizzy's first "nonoffical" first day. LOL I got to go in and stay with Lizzy, meet all the other mom's, and kids. There's 5 girls and 3 boys in her class - and all of them seem really friendly. Funny though, Lizzy's the youngest - but 2nd tallest. So funny. Everyone thought she was heading for 3 on her birthday instead of 2. She really loved her teacher Miss Stephanie, she crawled right up on her lap and sat down and chatted with her. I think she'll do great once she adjust to not having her minnie or blankie around. We had a little trouble with leaving blankie at home this morning. But once we were at school she forgot all about it.

Here's a pic of her - I didn't put on her "first day of school" outfit since this wasn't real school. (I'm so weird.) But I'll post more pics next Tuesday when she's had her first day. Her backpack is as big as she is, and her new tennis shoes are SO cute. She's always had Ked's in the past so these are her first pair of *big girl* shoes.

She didn't want to leave when it was time to go. LOL I talked Jay into going into work a few hours late today so he could go, and I'm so glad I did... half way through the morning I got morning sickness.... horribly. It was not a fun experience. I wasn't thinking this morning and ate a banana and then took my vitamins... so not smart. I need protein in the mornings... so after we got home I had a piece of toast with peanutbutter and that settled my tummy a bit, but I was sad to miss out on part of Lizzy's big day. :( It's a harsh reminder that I won't always be able to be there for my baby. And that's a bit heartbreaking. Damn these hormones. But she was a doll the rest of the day.

Lizzy can count to 10 now! Well... not in order though. LOL It's the funniest thing she'll say One! Fwee! Five! Two! Four! Five! Seven! Nine! TEN!!!! LOL But she's trying... she can get to five if she uses her fingers... it's funny to watch but she'll concentrate hard and say each one - but after 5 she get's stuck. LOL

Anyway, I think this is it.

1 comment:

Dana said...

How sweet is she....It is so hard to believe she and Maggie are the same age..She looks so much older...
Love the shoes so much!

How exciting to feel the baby...So fun!
I love you guys!