Friday, June 13, 2008

Summer Time!

Okay, I know I've been crappy at updating this thing, but in all fairness - our lives are NUTS right now! Summer time is in full swing and we're having a blast. Madeline is getting HUGE! And yes, I've got plenty of pictures to show y'all! My baby girl is 3 1/2 months now and is rolling, giggling, and smiling all the time. Elizabeth loves her little sister and is getting quite big herself. At 33 pounds she's as tall as ever and is quite the sweetie pie... most days... well... okay she's a drama queen but she's a good listener, so it all works out. ;)

Lizzy's done with school now. This year she learned to count to 25 and often much higher, she knows all her colors, and shapes - even ovals and rectangles! She can draw circles and straight lines, and smiled all through her graduation ceremony. *sniff* She's moving up to 3 year old preschool! LOL We got season water park tickets so we spend at least every Friday there, and sometimes another day during the week as well. Liz loves playing in the kids area of the water park, she's even getting better at the slides! Maddy just hangs with me under her sun hat and splashes in the water. Cutie pie!

So we spend lots of time in Mom's pool, Abbies pool or at the water park... and because of that Lizzy is already getting a gorgeous tan, little stinker, all I seem to do is burn, peel, burn, peel, and repeat... even with my spf 50! Oh well... As I type Madeline is laying here next to me, kicking my arm and cooing at me so that I'll look over and tickle her... she's so fun!

I'm still nursing, but weaning... she only nurses one or two times a day - Aunt Flo isn't back yet, thank you Jesus! I'm sloooooowly losing weight - very very slowly... ugh. But I'm hoping by the end of the summer I'll be able to fit into my "skinny" jeans for fall. (I can wear my "fat" jeans already, but that's not saying much... they were pretty fat. LOL)

Okay, now for some pictures!

We took Liz, Maddy, and Jack to Portrait Innovations yesterday and had some new pics of the 3 kids taken together...


Unknown said...

I love the pictures! They are so adorable! I especially love the one where Lizzy is laying down with Jack and Maddy on either side!

Anonymous said...

Love them all..:)

Yay for the summer..:)

Lizzy sounds like she is doing great..I wish a preschool would take Maggie with her tube..:(

Kiss those girls..Miss and love you all..:)

K said...

Such pictures!! Been thinking of you guys! Glad you're doing well! Miss Maddy's getting big :O