Monday, May 26, 2008

It's been awhile!

Well we're back. :) It was a great trip but it took us a whole week to recover. LOL Lizzy had a rough time with being off schedule, and this was the first time she really realized we were getting off rides and had to go to the next one - every time we'd get off a ride she'd start crying and didn't want to get off... bleh. She drove me ape wall but after a few days she started to realize we were just going on to another ride and she got better about it. Maddy on the other hand was a breeze. She stayed in our baby bjorn for hours and hours every day and would eat, sleep and play while sitting in it. She was a wonderful child - much like Liz was on her first few trips. I guess 2 years old is the cut off, once they hit two they need to wait a year or so  until they have more self control. All in all it was a fun but exhausting trip. We met up with lots of family and friends and all in all had a great time. 

As soon as we got back both my girls got a cold/allergies/sinus stuff. The doctor couldn't really identify it.  But they both have red throats and sinus stuff. No fevers or bad coughing though, but they put them on antibiotics. 

Now for some Maddy updates. As of this past friday Maddy's up to 11 lbs 1 oz! Big girl! Well... no not really, she's actually a tiny peanut. She's in the 25% for her weight. So weird. Liz was always so big. Baby Jack, my new nephew is up to 12 lbs already and you can totally feel the difference in them, he's so sweet and squishy and she's so long and strong! She loves to sit up now, still assisted of course but she definately likes to be up. She can roll from her back to her tummy now - it's darling to watch, she can't roll back though... and get's super agrivated when she tries. ;) She's a little giggle box too, she smiles and laughs it's so fun to watch her. I have too many pictures to post here so check out our new dropshots page...

More updates to come soon! 


K said...

Love the pics! Glad you had fun on your trip!! You should meet us in September when we go down!! :P

Unknown said...

aw sweetie! So glad to hear you had such a wonderful trip!!! Wish I could have gone down and met up with you guys!

Anonymous said...

Love all the pics! Glad you guys had a good time.

Unknown said...

We want an update! lol! *kiss*