Sunday, August 5, 2007

Such Fun.

Well we had a wonderful weekend in Raleigh. Beautiful hotel, great friends, lots of food. Definately a fun time. :) Lizzy made a little buddy... check out my dropshots for pictures and video's of her and little Caleb. Laura had a wonderful shower - she got a HUGE pile of gifts and about 30 paci's. LOL Jay and Liz napped while I was at the shower and we all went to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner with the whole gang. I really wish Laura lived closer. She's really the only person from college that I keep up with, and she's such a sweetie. Her husband is a great guy too so it was alot of fun getting to see them again. My 10 week picture is of Laura and I, belly to belly. We were having fun being silly after the shower.

Her nursery is beautiful, they're having a boy. His name will be Austin James... love it! It was really fun being at a shower with all blue. So cute! I'm so used to pink everything, it was a nice change - airplanes, puppy dogs and sail boats every where we looked. I'll be completely happy with whatever we have next - but it would be fun to shop for blue this time around... on the other hand, I'm an old pro at pink shopping so that would work fine too. ;)

I'm feeling a little better... the drive wasn't too hard at all. My jeans are getting snug in the waist - you can tell from my pictures that my belly is definately needing more room these days. I'm ok with that though.

I'm 10 weeks today! Exciting! 2 more weeks and I'm in the second trimester! WOW! Crazy how fast it's been going - seems like just yesterday I was taking that test and figuring out that I was 4 weeks... this is passing quickly so far. And for that I'm grateful. Lizzy is going to be a GREAT big sister. I never realized how much she understands when it comes to kids smaller than her, but little Caleb (10 months old) would fall down (he can walk) and she'd take his hand and help pull him back up, or put her arms around his waist and lift... it was so precious to watch. She'd follow after him like a little mother hen giving him hugs and kisses and helping him walk. It was so fun to watch.

I realized that in about 6 more weeks we can find out what gender this little person is! How exciting is that?! I can't wait. It makes it more real when you can say her/him instead of it. LOL

Oh and here's a picture I took of Lizzy kissing her baby doll this morning... how adorable is this?

She's such a love.
Anyways. I think that's all, we made it home in record time. Lizzy watched Lilo and Stitch and Brother Bear on the way home. She thinks koda's a dog. :P Goofy kid. Jay passed out in bed early, sick stomach, so I'm going to prep our sunroom tonight... we're putting in carpet tomorrow! I can't wait to see how it looks, getting that nasty black and white tile out of there will be nothing short of awesome. It is such an eye sore right now. I'm looking forward to putting my zen sunroom together. I want it done before Lizzy's birthday in 3 weeks... we shall see. ;)
So that's all for now. 10 weeks pic is up. I'm not as big as Laura's cutie pie 32 week belly... but I'm definately showing now! :)


K said...

Aww... such a cutie! Lizzy's going to make a great big sister!

Dana said...

Glad you had a great weekend..Love the pictures..Lizzy is a DOLL and you are as beautiful as ever,,..Love you!