Today was a CRAZY day. Good fun though. We had a birthday party at noon for Victoria. It was her first birthday! And so much fun. She is such a beautiful little gal. Victoria REALLY enjoyed her cake. Check it out:
Then we went on to Anna's Baby shower... which was also alot of fun. Poor Lizzy didn't get a nap at all today - but she breezed through the day without a hitch. She was an angel all day, kissing all the babies, hugging her buddies and sharing well. It was a couple's shower so the guys got to catch up while the girls were all talking babies.
There was a ton of great food at both parties and we came home 8 hours after leaving for the first party, completely exhausted. LOL Lizzy got her PJ's on and went right to bed. (I left her braids in so I can brush them out in the morning and she'll have wavy hair for church.)
I just have to say that Lizzy is such a love right now. She throws her arms up at me all the time and says "Hugs mommy!" She's so sweet. I hope Anna has a girl, it'd be fun for her to have another girl friend. Not that I don't adore the boys - they're just very different. They learn different, have different growth patterns... it'd be nice to have another girl from one of my girlfriends. Having said that... I think she's having a boy. LOL She's all belly and said her pregnancy is almost a carbon copy of the last time when she had Philip. But we'll see. I'm thrilled for them either way! Philip's going to have a little brother/sister! That's so fun! It makes me excited to meet my little one.
Tomorrow I'm 11 weeks. That's pretty thrilling. Two more weeks (about) and I'm out of the first trimester! YAY! Love that! Second phase here we go!
We've been working on the house alot - we put carpet in the playroom and sunroom. I love the playroom now - it's very cozy with the carpet - I noticed an immediate differance in Liz when the carpet was put in... she went from standing all the time at her toybox, chair or entertainment center - to sitting and spreading out her blocks and really playing. I think she feels more comfortable on the carpet than bare wood floors. The sunroom looks a MILLION times better now too. I hated that nasty black and white tile. Now I'm ready to start decorating! Yay! We've got several projects to do before kiddo's birthday party - I'm hoping and praying we finish them because I'm embarassed to have company with the outside of the house not painted or the large threshold between the kitchen and sunroom finished. Right now it just looks silly, well, unfinished anyways. I also need to hire a housecleaner the week of her party because there is no way I could scour this house the way it needs to be cleaned. I mean... it's clean but surface clean - I need to completely bleach Lizzy's bathroom (I haven't been able to stomach the smell of bleach since I got pregnant so it's all just surface clean) And I swear every time I vacuum these hard wood floors I go back and find dust bunnies the second I sit down. AH. That drives me crazy! Anyway, I'd love to get a housecleaner to come through here and help me... but I know better... I'll never do it. LOL I'll have to put Jay on bleach duty while I dust dust dust. ;)
Annnnyway. The last few days have been better than the previous few weeks. I'm not sleeping great, but that has more to do with the fact that I found a spider crawling on my leg a few days ago - so now I'm paranoid that there's spiders everywhere. *shiver* I haven't seen any since but those things are sneaky! (And I'm terrified of spiders - so there you go.) So not so sick but more tired. It's always something. ;) I get the feeling I'll be pulling out the maternity box from the attic in the next week or so. All my pants hurt my tummy now. Hate that. I was hoping for another month or so of normal clothes. Doesn't look like that's going happen. No biggie though. I have to say that I do love being pregnant, not the sickness or cramps, the low sex drive sucks and the cravings aren't fun... but just knowing that there's a little person who's going to steal my heart all over again growing inside of me is really exciting. I can't wait to meet this little person! And we're growing closer to finding out the gender every day! Only about 5 or 6 weeks now! YAY! Jay and I are definately conflicting over the boy name - but it's still early. He wants to name the baby his name - the 4th. Which would mean my son being named after my FIL - and y'all know how I feel about that man. Jay says it's not his dad, it's him. And it's his legacy - but frankly I think we should just cut our losses and move forward. Jay's dad is such a loser - and he goes by the middle name - so that's the only part I want to count out. I'm all for James as the first name, and he'll still have the same last name - so I think I'm compromising... but Jay doesn't see it that way. We shall see. I'll have to have a HUGE change of heart to be ok with naming my baby boy after Satan. That's why I'm kind of hoping for another girl. LOL Then I wont' have to deal with all that. ;) Either way... I can't wait to find out!
That's pretty much all for now - I've got to get the party invitations for kiddo's party this week and mail them out. Talk to y'all soon!
OMG! I don't think I've ever seen such a messy first birthday picture before! SO cute!
Glad you got at least one Target to work with you on those coupons!
And Yay for being almost done with Trimester #1!
Glad you had fun!..She is a cutie!
I can not wait to find out what youare having..So fun!
Stick to what you want with the name ..I do not think you should give in..You do not want to regret it later...
Can not believe the girls are almost 2...So exciting and so sad..:(
Love you!
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