Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Quick Post

So tonight I'm heading back to my parents house to rehash the conversation from two weeks ago. I haven't seen them since that night (they left for OH a couple days later and just got back on Sunday)

Looks like fun times are in store for my evening. Many prayers, well wishes, crossed fingers or whatever you're willing to offer. I need them tonight. I can't come home in tears again... I just can't handle that. Lizzy's birthday party is in 2 1/2 weeks and I want it to be fun and enjoyable for everyone. Last year was a nightmare with everyone putting on smiles for Lizzy's sake. This year I want us all to truly pull together and have a great time with my girl. Poor Lizzy's birthday's have a knack for coming at awkward times. LOL

Anyway. Wish me luck. Lizzy deserves a whole family instead of this broken thing we've got right now. Everytime she and I go over to my mom's she's asking for daddy the whole time. It's high time we get past this.

So. Moving forward. I'll update later. :)

EDIT: Well nevermind. It's over before it even starts... I just found out from my little sister that they still want to carry on about the same crap as last time so I'm not going to subject myself to that anymore. They'll either come around and move on - or it'll be awhile before we talk. *sigh*


Ooooooooh one more thing. On a happy note. Well kind of. I broke out the maternity stuff, and nothing fits yet. Last pregnancy I waited until the absolute last minute to buy anything with the title maternity. And now this time around since I'm showing alot earlier... I needed something in a size small instead of my previous very large behind Large. So I went over to Ross this morning to see if I could find a pair of jeans or capri's to get me through the next month or so - and boy did I luck out! I found a $40 pair of jeans on sale for $14.99 - AND a really nice pair of black ankle capri's that didn't have a tag on them - I took them up to the register and the girl rang up... $3.48 - she said they were officially on clearance. Weeeee!!!! So I got two pairs of pants for under $20. Total steal. Love those baragains!!! :D

Oh and I'll add a 12 week pic this weekend. LOL


Anonymous said...

Check your email for a response :)

Dana said...

Im sorry sweetie...I hope that they can come around with this..for everyones sake..You do not need this added stress right now..and neither does Little Lizzy..:(

I am praying that things get better for you all...and no matter what Lizzy will have an Awesome Birthday Party..

I know she will...She has A Great Mommy and Daddy who will make it amazing for her..:)

Call me if you need to talk...I miss you..
I Love you Jay and Lizzy!

Dana said...

Oh and yay for the great deal on the pants!..:)

K said...


Hope things improve... you don't need any more stress!

Glad to see that shopping still helps! If it makes you feel any better, I was already in maternity pants by this point... and it's my first, I don't have your excuse!