Saturday, July 14, 2007

So It's Been A Week

So it's been a week. Nothing new to report. I'll be officially 7 weeks tomorrow! That's exciting!!! I felt pretty yucky the last few days. Nothing major, just exhausted and my stomach refuses to settle. But aside from that we had a fun week. Spent some time helping Nanie get ready for their camping trip this weekend! We miss them... but they'll be home tomorrow.

We also went to see HP5 on Wednesday! First showing of the day at the Imax - 3D!!! That was impressive! Loved the movie. I feel that they finally did the book some justice. All in all I'd like to see it again soon. (After Knocked up, and about 30 other movies I want to see - but probably won't until they go to rentals. LOL)

Hmmm what else? I just got something monogrammed for Laura's baby! (Well, and laura. LOL) It's sooooo cute. Can't wait for her shower on August 4th! I think we might make a weekend of it and the three of us (should I say 4 yet?) go to Raleigh.

Oh Oh Oh!!! I have grass!!!! hahah. No seriously. We've been struggling with our yard since March trying to get it to grow grass. The people that owned the house before us let it go... for over 3 years! Soo it was a mess of weeds. We tried everything from killing the weeds. (didn't work) to just planting grass... (still didn't work) So Jay finally tilled up 3/4 of the front yard and about 1/3 of the back yard - and then we planted new seed. And it worked! So I've been enjoying my new lawn this week. Such a little thing, but it's soooo nice! The front isn't as thick yet as the back, but the backyard actually looks like a yard! And not just a spotty lawn with dirt holes everywhere! YAY! And we've got several watermelon almost big enough to pick. YUMMY. Can't wait for those. The canteloupe should be along within the next few weeks... and what all this has to do with being pregnant I have no idea. I'm just excited so I thought I'd share.

Annnnywho! I bought some new belly shirts this week, and have had fun wearing them. Nothing too pregnant looking. (I actually bought them from the Junior's section not the maternity section. LOL) So they're stylish, but have enough room that my little tiny bump has room to grow!

So that's all for now, tomorrow is going to be a long day but I'll post again soon. :)


K said...

Yay for Grass!

Ours is still coming in on the front yard... there are all these bare spots, and the weeds, Oh the weeds...

I'm not a gardner, and neither is the hubby... Could I borrow Jay?

Jessica Clemmons said...

Sure! Can I borrow some ice cream? :P