Sunday, July 8, 2007

Crazy Sundays

So last night we went to Taylor and Katies engagment party... the party started around 8 and we had Lizzy with us. So we figured we'd stay for an hour or so and then head home when she got fussy. Turns out she's a night owl. We didn't end up leaving to 11:45 and she was still going strong, having a grand ol' time. She made friends with everyone, pulled her uncles and their friends out on to the dance floor and proceeded to boogie down giving everyone a good laugh, meanwhile running back and forth to the food table alternately eating shrimp cocktail and strawberries. LOL She is crazy. The only big problem was that she didn't sleep well at all last night. I think she overstimulated herself because she woke up at 1:30 and 3:30 crying hard.

And to top all that off... Mommy had to be up at the crack of dawn this morning. Today I had to shadow the nusery director for the toddlers and infant classrooms. I'm covering for her next week, and they just offered me a job, so next week is my trial to see how I like it. I have to be there at 7:30 to set up - stay for both services and then clean up the toddler and baby rooms getting to leave around 1 pm or so. Makes for a long Sunday, but it pays. And we could use a little extra. I don't know though. I'm thinking hard about it. Being pregnant I can't lift alot of things that have to be moved in the morning before I can set up (such as weight lifting equiment) but they have helpers to unload the trucks, so I guess I'd just have to set up the flooring and changing area's, get all the toys out and such. That part doesn't seem to hard. It's more that Sunday is our family day. Jay sometimes works on Saturdays, so Sunday's always been the one day a week we reserve for just us. We always go out to lunch together and then try to do something fun with Lizzy... so I'd be cutting out alot of that because I wouldn't be done until right at Lizzy's nap time, which knocks out most of the day.

Anyway, it's a toss up. Next week I'll be doing the whole thing whereas this morning I just shadowed and worked my regular class plus the 11:30 service too. Nothing too big.

We celebrated my little brother's birthday tonight! He's 19!!! Crazy. He's headed off to college in a couple weeks, Southeastern in FL. I'm excited for him. We went to Fonduly Yours for dinner toinght. And I have to say I'm still not a fan of that restaurant. LOL Sorry mom and dad. I know y'all love it. But I got so nervous with Lizzy around the hot burners, not to mention I was afraid to order meat b/c undercooked meat is such a big no no while pregnant. So I had the veggie's. But deep friend veggies? Weird. It tasted great - and my favorite part was the cheese fondue appetizer. YUMMY. But Idk... something about that place just doesn't sit well. Daddy treated... So nice!!! but that place is so expensive for what you get! I guess it's the experience that people love. I just feel if I'm going to pay $17 for an entree, somebody better be cooking it instead of me. LOL Oh well. I love spending time with my family that's all that counts.

So anyway, I'm sleepy. (Suprise suprise) Another long day... heading into a long week. No new symptoms today. I'm not sure I would have noticed them anyways... I was too busy running around. But, I'm now officially 6 weeks! And a day... but that means if I'm going to get any sort of serious M/S it'll happen soon. I'm hoping I won't have it too bad... which will probably mean another girl for us! Yay!!!! (it's in my family... no sickness with girls, flat on your back sick with boys.) We'll see if I follow suit!


K said...

yay for a new blog!

Ah, the zombie early days... man, I could KILL to sleep like that now. I remember literally falling asleep sitting up in bed, banging my head on the wall, and being cranky that something woke me up. ;)

Looking forward to reading more!

Keep up with the belly shots! I've been a slacker lately...

Anonymous said...

LOL Yep That's exactly how I feel. If anyone interupts my sleep right now I'm a big grump on them.

I want to see new K belly shots!!! Get to it girly!