Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Poor Excuse of a Blogger

Well alas, its been another 2 months. How do I let this happen? Let me get right to the good stuff. Remember last post when I said Madeline would be walking soon? Well I was right, she is walking with the best of them! My baby is growing up so fast. Guess what next week is? Her FIRST birthday! Yes sometime between Saturday & Sunday my baby will turn a year old. Being a leap day baby she technically doesn't have a birthday this year but we'll be celebrating next Sunday afternoon with a big ball pit for the little ones, a tatoo station for the bigger ones & some double chocolate chip cream cheese cupcakes which are incredible yummy.

Anyway, it should be a good time! So what else is new? Well we're taking the girls on their first cruise in 2 weeks. Should be pretty amazing! My whole family is going (mom, dad, brothers, sister, brother-in-law, nephew & my gang) The girls have matching outfits for every day of the trip, as well as matching swimsuits, sandals, bows, & evening wear. Yeah I've had just a wee bit of fun shopping lately. I can't wait to set sail two weeks from today! Woot!

In other news, we have yet to find the perfect farm but we're trusting God to show us where he wants us to be in His time.

We've done two home shows in the last two months & thanks to the publicity from the shows business is booming in an otherwise slow market. Thank you Jesus for providing!

Elizabeth is growing more willful by the day. We butt heads constantly, much like my mother & I did for years. I'm trying to find ways to relate to her & not smother her exuberant personality. She is such a beautiful & sweet little girl but she definately has a wild side that drives me nuts. She still gets very jealous of Maddy, preferring to always be in the limelight. I know if I can steer all that energy in the right direction she'll be magnificent at whatever she puts her hands to. My hope is to find another dance school when we move as well as start her piano lessons & maybe even let her take gymnastics. She certainly has enough energy to do all of them well. I don't want to overwhelm her but she's a child that needs to stay busy or she gets in trouble. Jay wants her to take tennis lessons so we may encourage that instead of gymnastics. We'll see.

All in all Elizabeth is helping me develop more patience than I ever thought I would need. And she is also the sweetest part of my life. Her voice when she gets excited brings tears to my eyes. I am so in love with my girls.

Part of me is scared to have another child as my heart is already divided in so many directions, but another part of me looks forward to watching our family grow. Madeline is quickly becoming a toddler & leaving babyhood behind at a breakneck speed. She is still the most darling angel. She is so funny to watch. She loves her big sister with a wild heart never minding the many times Liz knocks her over when they're playing or being stuffed in a hamper or being picked up like a rag doll by the sister she adores. Maddy plainly prefers her sisters company to any one else in the whole world. She always has a smile for Liz & would follow her anywhere. I hope Lizzy comes to realize the treasure she has in her little sister, sooner rather than later. I know they'll always squabble but nothing would make me happier than to watch them grow up the best of friends.

That's pretty much it for now! Madelines 1 year pictures are on Tuesday, I'll try to post pictures soon!


Unknown said...

Wow...I can't believe Maddy's one year old almost already!

So glad to hear all is well with you guys. I've been thinking about you all!


Dana said...

So glad things are well..Where are you guys going on the cruise...we were looking into doing one soon..Let me know how it goes with a 3 year old and that may make me truly decide if we should..haha...

Kisses for you and the you and miss you!

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