Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2 Updates in 1 day!

Oh good gravy, I just had to update. For those of you with weak stomachs, skip ahead to the next update for this is one disgusting story.

Elizabeth and I were watching a movie this afternoon and as always she got bored half way through and began to move around the room while watching. She loves the Christmas tree and enjoys examining each ornament closely asking questions and pointing out her favorites. So it was no suprise that half way through the movie she made her way over to the tree both watching the movie and looking at the ornaments. I heard her toot and then giggle. I ignored it. A few minutes later she tooted again. I told her to go sit on the potty but she assured me she didn't need to go.

Fast forward 10 minutes and it hits me. This oder akin to a sewer plant. It fell upon the room with a quiet calm. Lizzy was standing beside me. She plopped down on her belly next to me and I look over... And gag.

Understand that she was wearing underwear, tights, a skirt and shirt. As well as enough poop to fertilize a field. This child had exploded up her back OVER her shoulders, down her tights behind her knees. It was in her armpits, her belly button. It was everywhere.

But wait. Just when you're gagging in your seat and thinking "I'm so glad I wasn't there" it gets better. I rush her into the bathroom, turn on the water in the tub... But nothing happens. Yes, today. Of all days in my 3 year olds life when she just happens to have the biggest poop imagineable. Yes today is the day the water company is replacing pipes down the street. Our water won't be back on until 6. Brilliant.

So, I used an entire box of HUGGIES wipes cleaning up poo from all the various parts of my daughters body while she sat absolutely still not saying a word. It hit me that she must have had a sick stomach so I couldn't be upset with her but I don't think she knew that I'd come to that conclusion for she was being very very cooperative in the operation cleanup recovery efforts.

So alas, I bathed my arms up to my elbows in alcohol and lizzy is now sleeping reeking only slightly like a sewer plant but mostly like HUGGIES baby wipes.

Oh what a day.

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