Monday, July 14, 2008

little me?

So yesterday we're sitting in the nursery before church started and Lizzy picks up a toy cell phone and proceeds to ask the 5 adults in the room to "be quiet please, lizzys on the phone" at first we all laughed and thought it was cute but then she takes it a step further and says "daddy scoot over by mommy and smile! I take your picture!" she hold up the cell phone and proceeds to "take our picture" at this point we're rolling. Is there anything this kid doesn't pick up?

Which got me thinking. If my 2 year old is reflecting the things she sees in me then why doesn't she pick up a random book and tell us Bible stories? Or tell people she loves them, often? I know why... Because she doesn't see me do those things nearly enough. She sees mommy on the phone, taking pictures and that's all fine and dandy, but I want my girls to see more than that. So today I vow to be less phone happy and more example worthy to my kids.

Just my random thought for the day.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Wow... good for you and noticing that. Not that being on the phone and taking photos is/are a bad thing, though... I like them! :D I've noticed alot with my niece and nephew from one side of the family how they mirror their parents so much. And not usually with their positive traits, either! So I am trying NOW to make a conscious effort to make my life worth reflecting.