Friday, July 18, 2008

Depth perception.

Most of what I post on here are blanket updates on my kids, which is what I intended this blog to be about. But there's so much more to our lives than milestones and growth charts so I plan on posting a bit more on what God is doing in our lives and some of the neat things we're up to.

One of the things I'm most excited about is the opportunity to begin mentoring one of the girls from our highschool youth group. The staff at Seacoast was presented with a challenge. 98% of all teens actively involved in church while in highschool go on to leave the church in college. But nearly 100% of teens who had a mentor while in highschool continued to be actively involved in church on through college and their adult lives. That is incredible, and touched me in a profound way. There are two girls I'm working with currently. One of them was "assigned" to me and the other is one of my nursery volunteers who isn't really involved in the youth group due to transportation issues. Both girls are awesome and I love talking with them. I'm only just getting to know them both well but am very excited about this opportunity. I wish I'd have had someone older when I first came to SC. In a way I did have an older friend take me under her wing but she passed away 5 years ago which proved to be the single most faith testing thing I'd ever gone through. However she made a lasting impression on my life and I can only pray that God works through me to these girls like He did through her to me.

Anyway, I'd like to see my blog take on a more personal level. Just a warning to any friends out there who read this.:)

God is doing some incredible things right now with our church, my marriage, and my kids lives.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Aw..I am looking forward to tis..:)

We will be bringing Maggie to Sunday School and church starting next month..our church I have been going to since I was born is in the middle of New Orleans and that neighborhood is not so great since Katrina..:(..But the sister church is opening up here right by us so we will be going there..:)

I am so excited to get Maggie there..:)