Monday, March 15, 2010

Dear Friend.

Dear Friend, I owe you an apology. I'd apologize in person except that I used the word friend loosley and frankly I'm not sure you could handle an apology in an appropriate manner. However, I'm sorry. When you rang me on the phone this morning, asking me if I'd just got up at 10 am when I'd actually been up since 7... and then proceeded to say how nice it must be to sleep in every morning and not go to work... I'm pretty sure I wasn't very gracious in my response. No, let me edit that. I know I was downright insulted. I realize my scathing reply to your not so kind question of "Do you ever think you'll start working again?" was not as gentle as it should have been. When I replied with "I'm actually working as we speak! I'm multi talented that way. I'm currently the Human Resource Manager for E & M Adventures, in addition to being a full time nurse & part time chef, I also drive a taxi & run a laundromat. In my spare time I babysit 24 hours a day 7 days a week. What was it you do again? Oh yes. Sit at your desk all day & go out to lunch with friends for an hour each afternoon. Gosh... I guess I should think about going back to work soon so I can take a rest!" You thought I was joking. You laughed & said "Yeah yeah I still wish I could sleep in every day." I apologize for hanging up after I replied: "Yeah, me too."

*steps off soap box* Seriously. Do people really think raising kids involves sleeping in every day & no work? Really? Is that what your mother did? Mine certainly didn't. My mom was up before all of us doing laundry before breakfast & after we all went to bed there was usually another basket full of clothes at her feet ready to be folded. Not to mention the never ending list of chores during the day, and finding time to spend with each of us kids. Good grief. Have some common sense please.

Oh well. Phone calls like the one my day started with make me appreciate my own mother, grandmother & the women before them who took the time to teach their daughters right. (Not to say I have it down... Lord only knows I am a far cry from the awesome housewife my mom is but still.) It shocks me how some people think of a stay at home mother...


K said...

Yay! I finally get some payoff for checking this thing every week or so for the past year... ;)

Laura said...

First... welcome back!!! I finally have a fruit for all the blog stalking this past year!
Second... it really corks me off when people act as though I have a posh life now that I am home most of the week. I beg to differ... and I'd like to add that my house is just as clean as it was... pre-kid!

Jessica Clemmons said...

Thanks girls! :) I would like to add that my house has not been clean in over 2 years since my second child arrived. Sure it's been neat a few times, and various parts have been cleaned... but on the whole, it's been nearly 2 years since every inch of my home sparkled... but you know what? I like the tiny handprints on the windows. And the various piles of clothing from room to room is actually quite organized despite the fact that its not in its proper dressers. ;) LOL

Dana said...

I sit home all day on the computer and watch DVR while I force maggie to watch tv all day...:D

My "friend" told me that one day when she asked if after 4 years I was ever going to stop my vacation!

Then when she found out Maggie will only be in school half days this year she said..well you are just lazy..

Ah hahahaha...Yes..taking care of a child for 4 years who for the first 3 was tube fed is easy as pie..

People amaze me..but who needs friends like that..

I think the sticky fingers on the tv and tables give my house that special something..;)